Babies who have difficulty defecating need to be careful, because this condition can indicate a serious health problem. By knowing the signs and causes of a baby having difficulty defecating, you can determine what to do when your little one experiences it.
Every baby has a different pattern of bowel movements. Some are smooth and frequent, but some are less frequent and take longer to defecate. A baby's bowel pattern can be influenced by many things, such as the food and drink he consumes, his activity, and how quickly his body is able to digest food.
Signs of a baby having difficulty defecating
You need to recognize the pattern of your baby's bowel movements, because changes in the baby's bowel pattern can also indicate that he has certain health problems. Here are some signs that your baby has difficulty defecating or constipation (constipation) that you need to watch out for:
- Babies defecate less than 2 times a week. However, in infants aged 0-5 months and consuming breast milk, defecating once a week is still considered normal.
- The shape of the stool is harder than usual. although the frequency does not change.
- The baby looks painful when defecating.
- There is blood in the baby's stool.
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In addition to the above signs, babies who have difficulty defecating are also usually more fussy and cry while lifting their legs. In more severe cases, the appearance of blood spots on the baby's diaper can be a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding, for example due to tearing of the baby's rectal wall due to hard stools. You also need to be vigilant and take your little one to the doctor, if he has been constipated for more than 2 weeks or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as:
- Throw up
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Lumps in the anus
- There is a wound in the anus (anal fissure)
Causes of Baby Difficult to Defecate
It is very important to know the cause of the baby having difficulty defecating so that it can be immediately addressed or prevented. Here are some conditions that can cause a baby to have difficulty defecating:
1. Consumption of formula milk
Formula-fed babies are generally more prone to constipation than breastfed babies. This is because of the protein content found in formula milk. If your baby has difficulty passing stools, it may be because he is not compatible with formula, has recently switched from breast milk to formula, or has recently changed brands of formula. To be sure, try to consult a doctor.
2. Consumption of solid food
Switching to solid foods often makes a baby's digestive system “shock”, causing it to become difficult to pass stool. This is not surprising, because previously babies are used to being given liquid food. The transition period from liquid to solid food is also quite often causing a baby to have difficulty defecating, especially if the solid food does not contain much fiber, such as rice or bread. To reduce the risk of your little one becoming constipated, try giving him foods that are rich in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables.
3. Dehydration
Babies get their fluid intake through the food and drinks they consume, including breast milk. However, under certain conditions, such as when his teeth grow, thrush, or fever, dehydration in babies can occur because he is reluctant to drink milk.
Dehydration or lack of fluids can cause stools to become hard and difficult to pass. In addition, babies who are dehydrated will also look weak, pee less often, have dry lips, and don't cry when they cry. This condition needs to be treated by a doctor.
4. Certain medical conditions
Although rare, there are several diseases that can cause a baby to have difficulty defecating, including food allergies or intolerances, hypothyroidism, and digestive system disorders from birth, such as Hirschsprung's disease.
Overcoming Baby Difficult to Defecate
You don't need to panic when you find your little one having difficulty defecating, because there are several ways you can do this, namely:
1. Massaging her stomach
Gently massaging your little one's stomach can help overcome the difficult bowel problems he is experiencing. Try massage, the bottom of the baby's navel, which is about 3 fingers from the navel, with a circular massage direction from the middle to the outside. When massaging, make sure your little one is relaxed and not in pain, yes, Mom.
Read Too: Find out Information About Frothy Baby Defecation here
2. Make it more active
To expedite the process of defecating your little one, invite him to move more actively. If your little one is able to crawl, making him crawl more often can help push his stool out more easily. However, if he can't crawl yet, moving his legs like pedaling a bicycle can also help.
3. Changing the formula milk
If your baby has difficulty defecating since consuming formula, try switching to a different brand of formula. Consult a pediatrician to get formula milk that suits your little one's needs.
4. Combine the food
When it's time for your little one to get solid food, try not to immediately give "heavy" food, such as rice. Instead, choose foods that are rich in fiber and in small portions first.
5. Bathe her with warm water
Bathing the baby with warm water can make it more relaxed, so that it is easier for the digestive tract to excrete feces. When bathing your little one, also give a massage on his stomach, so that stools come out more easily.
6. Sufficient fluid needs
In order for your little one's digestive process to run smoothly, make sure the fluid needs are adequate. Give more milk. If your little one is over 6 months old, you can give him more fluids from water and pureed fruits and vegetables.
If you have implemented ways to deal with the baby having difficulty defecating but your little one is still having difficulty defecating or even the constipation is getting worse, immediately consult a doctor for proper and safe treatment.
Signs of a Baby Having Difficulty Defecating to Watch Out For
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