How to Get Rid of Phlegm in Babies Safely

Phlegm or mucus usually appears when the baby has a cold or cough. Its presence makes it uncomfortable for the baby to breathe, so it often makes him fussy. To overcome this, parents need to know how to expel phlegm in babies that are safe.

Sputum or mucus is actually the body's mechanism to expel germs. This sticky liquid also helps keep your baby's nose, mouth and throat moist. Mucus also serves as a barrier to stop germs from entering the body.

How to Get Rid of Phlegm in Babies Safely - ALICE CLINIC

However, if the amount of phlegm is too much, the baby's comfort in breathing, eating, and sleeping can be disrupted. By doing some ways to expel phlegm on the baby can help him feel comfortable again.

How to get rid of phlegm in babies safely

Your little one may spit up, sneeze, cough, which is the body's attempt to expel excess mucus. In addition to disturbing comfort, excess phlegm must be removed to prevent your little one from choking. Here are some ways to expel phlegm in babies:

1. Using a rubber bulb (rubber bulb)

Rubber bulb is a rubber pipette that functions to suck up liquid. Rubber bulb is the right tool for removing phlegm in babies under 6 months. Here's how to use a rubber bulb:

  • Perform sterilization by washing the rubber bulb using warm water mixed with a little soap, then rinse thoroughly and dry
  • Position the baby's head slightly lower than the body
  • Squeeze the bulb, then position the tip at the end of the baby's nostril, but don't insert the bulb into the baby's nostril
  • Slowly, release the bulb to suck phlegm
  • Empty the bulb by throwing its contents into a bowl or tissue
  • Clean the bulb by squeezing and releasing it alternately in a bowl filled with sterile water

Avoid sucking your baby's mucus excessively, especially if he doesn't have a cough or cold. If your little one cries or struggles, rest first or you can try other ways to expel phlegm.

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2. Using a nasal aspirator

The way a nasal aspirator works is similar to a bulb. The difference is, the suction power is generated from your mouth. Nasal aspirators are equipped with a tube that attaches to the tube like a syringe. Position the tube in your mouth and the end of the tube angled in front of the baby's nostrils. Inhale by sucking air through the tube, but don't suck too hard as this can irritate your little one's nose.

3. Spraying saline solution

Saline is a purified salt solution. This solution is used to thin thick phlegm, so that phlegm is more easily expelled through the bulb. Saline solution can be used before a bulb or nasal aspirator. How to use it is quite simple, namely by spraying saline into each nostril as needed. This solution can also be used by dripping into the nostrils.

Saline solutions can be obtained at the nearest pharmacy. However, you can also make your own by mixing 1 cup of boiled water with teaspoon of salt. Avoid spraying or dripping too much saline, given the tiny size of a baby's nose. Just spray once, or put 3-4 drops of saline in each nostril. In addition, saline should not be used too often or more than a week.

4. Using a humidifier

The steam produced by a humidifier can help loosen phlegm, especially if you live in an area where there isn't enough humidity. Its use is also practical and can be turned on while the little one is sleeping. If you don't have one, you can turn on the hot shower in the bathroom to generate warm steam to inhale. Another way is to use a basin filled with warm water, then bring your little one's head to inhale the steam that comes out of the basin. To make it easier for phlegm to flow out, hold your baby in an upright position, then gently massage his back.

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Sputum or clear mucus is nothing to worry about. However, if your baby's phlegm is green, brown, or reddish, and is accompanied by a high fever, vomiting, and loss of appetite, this may be a symptom of infection. It is best if you immediately consult a doctor for proper treatment.

If the above methods have not succeeded in removing phlegm in your little one, consult further with your doctor about how to remove phlegm in babies that is safe and effective.

How to Get Rid of Phlegm in Babies Safely

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