Recognize the Causes of Bloody Defecation in Babies and How to Overcome It

Mothers may immediately panic when they see blood on the baby's diaper after a bowel movement. Even so, bloody stools in babies are not always a sign of danger. In some conditions, it turns out that this is commonplace, really, Mom.

Recognize the Causes of Bloody Defecation in Babies and How to Overcome It - ALICE CLINIC

Recognize the Causes of Bloody Defecation in Babies and How to Overcome It - You need to know, bloody stools in babies can be caused by various conditions. Some conditions can heal on their own and are managed independently at home, but in some other conditions, bloody stools can be a symptom of an illness. Therefore, mothers need to know what causes bloody stools in babies and how to overcome them.

Various Causes of Bloody Defecation in Babies

There are various causes of finding blood in the baby's bowel movements, namely:

1. Food intake

A baby's digestive system is still in its development stage, so certain foods, drinks, or medications that are consumed sometimes are not digested properly. Sometimes, this causes the color or texture of the food consumed to be found in the baby's stool. A baby's stool can turn red when he eats foods that contain a red substance, such as beets or tomatoes. So, if you find a red color in your child's stool, you can check first whether the red color is indeed blood or not.

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2. Constipation and anal fissures

Constipation can occur in all babies, but is more common in babies who consume formula milk or have just started consuming solid food (complementary food for breast milk). Constipation will force the baby to strain during bowel movements. Well, pressure that is too hard can make small cuts and tears in the anal area, known as anal fissures. When there is an injury to the anal area, blood spots can be found in the baby's stool. If prolonged, this constipation can cause hemorrhoids in children.

3. Diaper rash

When your little one has diaper rash, you may also find blood in his stool. This is because, the skin that has diaper rash may experience sores and blisters.

4. Milk Allergy

Some babies have allergies to milk. The type of milk that can cause allergies is usually formula milk, but there are also babies who are allergic to soy milk, even breast milk. In babies with milk allergy conditions, the content in the milk they consume can cause inflammation in the digestive tract, and make the baby's bowel movements become bloody.

5. Intestinal infection

In some cases, blood in the baby's stool can be a sign of viral, bacterial, or parasitic infection. This infection can trigger intestinal inflammation that makes bowel movements bloody. In addition to blood in the stool, intestinal infections can also be characterized by diarrhea, slimy stools, fever, and the baby becomes very fussy.

How to Overcome Bloody Defecation in Babies

Bloody stools in infants need to be treated according to the cause. However, there are several things you can do when you find blood or reddish spots in the baby's stool, namely:

  • Make sure the blood spots or redness in the baby's stool are not part of the food he is eating.
  • Increase fiber intake in MPASI, and give MPASI with a texture that is appropriate for the stage of his age, if your little one is constipated.
  • Meet your little one's fluid needs.

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If a bloody stool occurs in a baby less than 3 months old, or over 6 months old but accompanied by symptoms of diarrhea, fever, weakness, fussiness, and your little one looks like they are in pain, immediately take your little one to the doctor to get the right treatment. . The reason is, these symptoms can indicate the baby has inflammation or infection in the digestive tract.

Recognize the Causes of Bloody Defecation in Babies and How to Overcome It

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