4 Causes of Constipation in Babies and Easy Ways to Overcome them

Constipation in infants is common. However, this condition should not be underestimated or left to protracted, because it can make babies uncomfortable, fussy, even experience serious complications. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with constipation in the baby as early as possible.

4 Causes of Constipation in Babies and Easy Ways to Overcome them

Symptoms of difficulty defecating in infants are generally marked with babies not chapter less than 3 times a week, hard feces and difficult out, or feces look like a small chunk. The condition of the constipation in the baby can cause discomfort for him, making it fussy and crying continuously.

Various causes of constipation in infants

To find out how to deal with constipation in infants, parents need to know what the factor causes. The following are some of the causes of constipation in the baby most commonly occur:

1. Newly introduced with solid food

Constipation is usually experienced by babies who experience transitions from liquid consumption or breast milk to solid food. This can happen because the digestive system is not familiar with the presence of solid food.

2. Lack of fluid

Lack of liquid can cause baby poop to dry or hard, so it's hard to remove. In addition, babies sometimes have difficulty accepting food and drinks because they have problems in their mouths, such as milk teeth or canker sores.

Read Too: Signs of a Baby Having Difficulty Defecating to Watch Out For

3. The selection of formula milk is not right

Formula milk has a different nutritional composition with breast milk, making it more difficult to digest. This can cause baby feces to be harder and a little bigger, so that babies are reluctant to defecate and experience constipation.

4. Certain medical conditions

Certain medical conditions can also cause constipation in infants. In infants under the age of 6 months, there are several conditions that can be a common cause of infants to experience constipation, namely celiac disease, hypercalcemia, hypothyroid, hirschprung disease, and spinal cord abnormalities.

Some other medical conditions that can also cause infants to experience constipation are food poisoning and food allergies or allergies of cow's milk. Psychological factors can also affect infants to experience constipation, for example because they are in a foreign environment or when traveling far.

How to Overcome Constipation in Babies

To overcome constipation in the baby, you need to adjust the age of your child. This is because the physical condition of the baby varies in every development of his age. For example, constipation in babies is less than 6 months old more often caused by consumption of formula milk.

However, if you want to replace the type of formula milk or again give breast milk for your little one, it is recommended to consult a doctor first to determine the security and know the type of formula milk that is in accordance with the condition of the little one.

Constipation in babies is less than 6 months can also be overcome by swinging both legs. This movement can support the movement in the gastrointestinal tract, so that dirt will be easier to issue. The method is quite easy, you just need to put your little one on the bed in a supine position, then swing his legs like pedaling a bicycle. Whereas to overcome constipation in babies aged 6-24 months, you can do the following ways:

1. Give high fiber foods

Add fiber intake from vegetables and fruit into the small menu food menu of the ASI every day. Prioritizing giving him fibrous eating from skinned fruits and can be consumed directly, such as plums, apricots, peaches, or raisins.

2. Give additional fluids

If your child consumes formula milk, you can provide additional fluid intake outside the main meal time. Various liquid intake can be obtained from water, soup, or fruit juice. Fruit juice can also launch the baby's digestive system and overcome difficulty defecating. You can give the little fresh fruit juice from the apple or pear for 1 week, but make sure not to give it more than 120 ml per day.

3. Limit the provision of cow's milk

If your child is more than 18 months old, it is recommended not to give him cow's milk more than 500 ml per day. Also avoid giving him a sweet drink before the main meal time.

Read Too: Recognize the Causes of Bloody Defecation in Babies and How to Overcome It

If you have done various ways to overcome constipation in the baby above, but the condition of the little one does not improve or accompanied other complaints, such as defecating bloody, fever, or continuous vomiting, immediately bring it to the doctor to get the right handling.

4 Causes of Constipation in Babies and Easy Ways to Overcome them

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