Know the Causes of Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

The cause of swollen feet during pregnancy is not something to worry about. However, if accompanied by other symptoms, it could be that the swollen feet are caused by a medical condition that needs to be checked by a doctor. The body of a pregnant woman will naturally adjust to support the growth and development of the fetus, as well as prepare for birth. These changes can lead to various complaints, one of which is swelling (edema) in the legs.

Know the Causes of Swollen Feet During Pregnancy - ALICE CLINIC

What Causes Swollen Feet During Pregnancy?

Complaints of swollen feet quite a lot experienced by pregnant women in the final trimester of pregnancy. However, this condition can also occur in pregnant women in the earlier trimester of pregnancy. Depending on the gestational age, the following are some possible causes of swollen feet that occur in pregnant women:

1. First trimester

In early pregnancy, the hormone progesterone will increase rapidly. This condition results in the appearance of slight swelling in some parts of the body, such as the legs. Swelling due to the hormonal changes of pregnancy is normal. However, if swollen feet are accompanied by dizziness, headache, severe pain in the legs, or bleeding in the first trimester, immediately consult a gynecologist. These symptoms may indicate a health problem.

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2. Second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is the period of when the pregnancy reaches the age of 13-28 weeks. In the second trimester, many pregnant women experience swollen feet when they are 20 weeks pregnant. The cause is an increase in the volume of blood and fluids in the body. The increased volume of blood and body fluids is the body's mechanism to support fetal growth, as well as to prepare the joints and pelvic tissues to be more open for delivery.

3. Third trimester

Swollen feet are more common in the third trimester (28 weeks of pregnancy). Usually, this is realized by the shoes that are usually worn feel narrower or even not enough anymore. In addition to increased body fluids, the cause of swollen feet during pregnancy in the final trimester is the uterus which continues to enlarge as the fetus develops. The condition of the growing uterus can put pressure on the veins in the pelvis. This pressure slows the return of blood from the legs to the heart, so blood collects in the leg veins and causes swelling. Apart from the above, swollen feet experienced by pregnant women can also be caused by the following:

  • Standing too long.
  • Fatigue or doing too much activity.
  • Excess amniotic fluid.
  • Pregnant with twins.
  • Hot weather.
  • Drink less water.
  • Less consumption of foods containing potassium.
  • Eat lots of foods that contain high salt or caffeinated drinks.
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When should pregnant women be wary of swollen feet?

Swollen feet that appear without any other symptoms are most likely normal during pregnancy. However, swollen feet should be watched out for if accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Swelling also appears in other parts of the body, such as in the hands, face, and around the eyes.
  • Dizziness or headache.
  • Eyes dim.
  • Visual disturbances.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Hard to breathe.

If pregnant women experience the above symptoms, immediately consult a gynecologist for pregnancy. To evaluate the condition of pregnant women, the doctor will perform a physical examination and support, such as urine tests, blood tests, and ultrasound pregnancy. If the results of the examination show that there is an increase in blood or an increased amount of urine protein in pregnant women, it could be a sign of preeclampsia.

In addition, if the swelling only occurs in one leg and is accompanied by pain, redness, and tenderness in the calf and leg, then this condition indicates a blockage of the blood vessels in the leg or deep vein thrombosis.

Complaints of swollen feet during pregnancy will usually subside by itself after the baby is born. If you are bothered by this complaint, pregnant women can try to deal with swollen feet during pregnancy by routinely exercising lightly, such as walking or swimming, and not sitting or standing for too long.

To make sure the swollen feet that pregnant women experience are not caused by a medical condition that needs to be watched out for, check with a doctor. In addition, also conduct regular pregnancy check-ups to the obstetrician to monitor the health condition of the pregnant woman herself and the fetus in the womb of the pregnant woman.

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