You will not notice any gestation symptoms till implantation happens. Implantation is once a creature implants itself within the lining of your female internal reproductive organ. This usually occurs between seven and 10 days after conception. Once the embryo is implanted in your uterus, it will start producing pregnancy hormones, and you will begin to see changes in your body.
These Are The Early Signs of Pregnancy to Watch Out For
If you suspect that you are pregnant, then there are some early pregnancy symptoms to watch out for, namely:
1. Missed menstruation
This state is considered one of the most reliable early symptoms of pregnancy. If you have regular menstrual cycles, and your period is late, then this could be the first clue that you may be pregnant.
2. The appearance of blood spots
Some women notice spotting or light bleeding around the time of implantation. These blood spots ar completely different from the spots that arise thanks to menstruation. This is because these patches are much lighter than when you are menstruating. Sometimes, these patches can be few or far between, with blood color that tends to be brown or pink.
3. Nausea or morning sickness
Once your body starts producing pregnancy hormones, you may experience nausea and morning sickness. Unlike its name, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day, either in the afternoon, evening, or at night. To overcome this, try to eat food in small portions, but often.
4. Frequent vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge often occurs in pregnant women. If the vaginal discharge you experience is an odorless, itchy, and colorless liquid, then you don't need to worry.
5. Breast changes
Breast changes are often considered as one of the early signs of pregnancy. When you are pregnant, your breasts may look bigger and feel sore. In addition, the breasts could seem darker.
6. Tired easily
During pregnancy, the body goes through many changes, so you can become tired easily. If you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, yawning during a client meeting, and falling asleep on the couch before dinner, you may be experiencing pregnancy fatigue.
7. The sense of smell becomes a lot of sensitive
Some women feel that they are very sensitive to smells during pregnancy, and this can happen even before it is confirmed that they are pregnant. Some women also become more sensitive to smell very pungent aromas, such as durian, gasoline, or cigarettes.
8. Emotional changes or mood swings
As your body begins to rapidly produce hormones, you may notice yourself feeling more emotional than usual. In this condition, your mood can be good, however a number of seconds later it can be dangerous. This is normal for women who are pregnant. The above symptoms are not experienced by all women. In fact, some pregnant women do not experience any symptoms. Every pregnancy is unique, and the symptoms will be different from other women.
Am I Pregnant?
If you think you are pregnant, the most accurate way to find out is to take a home pregnancy test or test pack. To be more accurate, then you have to wait for yourself to be late for your period. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the instructions for use before using the test pack. If the results are positive, you can do further examination with a gynecologist through an ultrasound of the uterus.
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