7 Months Pregnant: Baby Begins to Be in a Position Ready to Be Born

At 7 months pregnant, some women will feel heavier or short of breath as the size of the fetus and uterus increases. This complaint will usually subside after the position of the fetus is ready to be born in the next few weeks, when the fetal head is located at the bottom of the uterus.

The growth and development of the fetus at 7 months pregnant will be more rapid. The nutritional needs of the fetus reach its peak in the third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, 7 months pregnant women need to consume enough nutritious foods that are rich in protein and vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, iron, folic acid, and calcium.

7 Months Pregnant: Baby Begins to Be in a Position Ready to Be Born - ALICE CLINIC

Fetal Growth During 7 Months Pregnant

At the beginning of this 7 month pregnant period, the fetus becomes very active so that the pregnant woman can be aware of the movement patterns and the time in which it is active. This movement can help pregnant women detect whether the fetus is healthy or not. The following is the growth of the fetus at 7 months of pregnancy from week to week:

1. 29th week pregnant

Entering 29 weeks of gestation, the fetus will have a body weight of more than 1 kg and a length of 38.5 cm. In addition, the fetus can also experience the following developments:

  • In male fetuses, both testes have descended from near the kidneys to the testicles. Whereas in female fetuses, the clitoris begins to appear
  • The development of the brain is also accompanied by the size of the fetal head
  • The skull and bones begin to harden as the brain, lungs, and muscles develop

2. 30th week pregnant

In this week, the fetus will weigh about 1.3 kg with a length of 40 cm. The fetus goes through many developments this week, including:

  • The lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed
  • His eyes keep opening and closing
  • The beam of a flashlight or bright light can make him turn his head, because the development of the fetus's vision is increasing
  • The fetus has eyebrows and eyelashes
  • The fetus can suck the thumb
  • The skin on the fetus's body is smoother

3. 31st week pregnant

At 31 weeks of gestation, the fetal body weight has reached 1.5 kg with a length of approximately 41 cm. Fetal development in this week, including:

  • The head is proportional to the size of the body
  • The baby's brain and sense of taste are mature enough, so he can feel the liquid he swallows
  • Fetal movements become more stable
  • The bone marrow has taken over the work of the liver to produce red blood cells

4. 32nd week pregnant

At the 32nd week, the fetus weighs about 1.7 kg and is 42.4 cm long. Towards the time of delivery, there are several changes and developments in the fetal body, including:

  • The head of the fetus is generally at the bottom of the uterus in a position ready for birth
  • Fetal hair will be thicker, although it may thin out at birth
  • His nails are growing and allow the fetus to scratch his body if he feels itchy
  • The lungs are growing rapidly, but the fetus will only breathe after reaching 36 months of age
  • Amniotic fluid levels increase and the baby will swallow fluid and excrete it as urine
Read Too : 8 Months Pregnant: Prepare for Labor

Changes That Happened to Mother's Body During 7 Months Pregnant

When 7 months pregnant, pregnant women will feel less comfortable when breathing, because the lungs are under pressure from the uterus. The increase in the size of the uterus is caused by the increase in the weight of the fetus. However, this complaint will usually subside when the fetus is in a position ready to be born with its head down.

Some pregnant women also often feel cramping, especially at night. This condition can cause discomfort and difficulty sleeping. Pregnant women may also feel pain in their back due to their growing stomach. To reduce this discomfort, do light exercise such as leisurely walking at home, pregnancy exercise, or yoga for pregnant women.

Read Too : How to Overcome Difficulty Sleeping in Pregnant Women According to the Cause

In addition, some 7-month pregnant women also experience colostrum or fluid that initiates the release of milk from the breast. Pregnant women can use bra pads to absorb the colostrum and prevent it from seeping out. During pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to stay active and exercise, in order to adapt to changes in shape and weight gain. It can also help pregnant women cope with labor and make it easier to get back in shape after giving birth.

Various conditions that need to be checked when 7 months pregnant

During 7 months pregnant, there are several conditions that pregnant women need to pay attention to, including:

1. False contractions (Braxton Hicks)

In this final trimester, some pregnant women may experience false contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions. False contractions occur when the uterine muscles tighten for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Meanwhile, the original contractions usually occur over and over again, continuously, and the longer it can get louder. If it is difficult to distinguish between real and fake contractions, pregnant women can consult the nearest doctor or midwife. To relieve or overcome false contractions, pregnant women can do the following:

  • Change body position. If you are lying down or sitting, try standing and walking, and vice versa.
  • Take a warm bath or compress on the stomach area for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, such as mineral water, tea, or warm milk, as false contractions can also be caused by dehydration.

Read Too : The Danger of Dehydration During Pregnancy

2. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum or anus. This condition is generally accompanied by constipation and often occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. Standing for a long time and the age of pregnant women who are old can trigger hemorrhoids. However, this condition usually improves after delivery. Pregnant women can consult a doctor if they experience constipation during pregnancy. Early treatment can prevent it from developing into hemorrhoids.

Various Things to Pay Attention to When 7 Months Pregnant

At 7 months of pregnancy, there are many things that must be considered to overcome discomfort while preparing for childbirth, including:

1. Maternity leave

If pregnant women are workers, take advantage of maternity leave to rest and prepare for childbirth. Based on government regulations, pregnant women are entitled to leave for 1.5 months before giving birth and 1.5 months after giving birth.

2. Dangerous conditions

There are several conditions or complaints that can harm the mother and fetus, such as preeclampsia, severe itching, leaking amniotic fluid, and a sudden decrease in fetal activity or movement. If you experience these conditions, pregnant women are advised to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

3. Constipation (constipation)

Constipation is a common condition in the third trimester. This is due to hormonal changes and pressure from the uterus to the intestines. There are several ways to treat constipation during pregnancy, including:

  • Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber.
  • Meet the needs of body fluids by consuming enough mineral water at least 10 glasses every day.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly.
  • Limit consumption of excess calcium and iron supplements. However, if you get a pregnancy supplement that contains these two nutrients, pregnant women need to consult a doctor before stopping taking them.

In addition, the role of the partner is also very important to make pregnant women feel comfortable and calm during pregnancy until the time of delivery. Studies show that low support from a partner can cause pregnant women to experience depression and anxiety disorders. This of course has a negative effect on fetal development. If pregnant women still have questions about being pregnant for 7 months, consult a gynecologist for the right answers and tips for having a healthy pregnancy.

Read Too : Depression During Pregnancy Should Not be Taken Lightly, Here's How to Tell

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