Various Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy is one of the main keys to maintaining the health of pregnant women and fetuses. Not only that, exercising regularly during pregnancy can also support the delivery process to make it smoother later. To find out more about the benefits, let's look at the following article.

Pregnancy may make you feel tired more easily or experience certain complaints, such as back pain and constipation. However, don't let pregnant women lose their enthusiasm for exercising just for that reason, okay? Exercise during pregnancy is important to do regularly so that pregnant women and fetuses stay healthy.

Various Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

The following are some of the reasons exercise during pregnancy is so important to do:

  • Reduce stress during pregnancy
  • Prevent excessive weight gain
  • Increase the stamina and muscle strength needed during labor and beyond
  • Improve mood and reduce the risk of depression
  • Reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Reduce the risk of babies born with more than average weight (fetal macrosomia)
  • Reduces back pain, constipation and bloating

In addition, exercise during pregnancy is also good for supporting fetal brain development. Some research shows that babies born to mothers who exercise regularly during pregnancy can be smarter or have a higher IQ.

Read Too : Pregnancy Exercises for Breech Babies

Several Sports Options for Pregnant Women

Exercise during pregnancy can indeed provide many benefits for pregnant women. There are several choices of types of sports that pregnant women can do, including:

  • Leisurely strolling
  • Swimming
  • Special aerobics for pregnant women
  • Dance
  • Yoga and Pilates
  • Exercise for pregnant women

In addition to the various types of exercise above, carrying out daily activities, such as cleaning the house, is also a good physical activity to keep the pregnant woman's body active. In order to stay healthy and fit, pregnant women are advised to regularly exercise for 30 minutes every day or at least 3 times a week.

Read Too : Know the Benefits of Yoga for Pregnant Women

However, pregnant women should stop exercising immediately if they experience certain complaints or symptoms, such as headache, chest pain, bleeding or other discharge from the vagina, continuous uterine contractions, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, and lack of fetal movement.

In addition, do not exercise beyond your ability. Well, the easiest way to detect that the exercise you are doing has exceeded your ability is when pregnant women start to find it difficult to speak or feel short of breath while exercising. If pregnant women experience this condition, immediately take a short break.

Types of Sports that Pregnant Women Should Avoid

To prevent injury or health problems during pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid the following types of sports or activities:

  • Team sports that involve a lot of physical contact, such as basketball and soccer
  • Scuba diving, because there is a risk of causing pressure in the uterus that can harm the fetus
  • Movements that increase the risk of falling, such as jumping
  • Sports that are fast-paced and require rapid changes in body movements, such as badminton, tennis, or martial arts

Although exercise is important to do, there are certain conditions that make pregnant women recommended to be careful when exercising or even avoiding exercise. The following are some of the conditions in question:

  • Disorders of the cervix
  • High blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Heart and lung disease, joint pain, anemia, and diabetes that are not handled properly
  • Have or are at risk of having preterm labor
  • Have had 2 or more miscarriages
  • Bleeding from the vagina or blood in the underwear
  • Condition of the cervix or weak cervix
  • Low placental position

Regular exercise can help pregnant women cope with the physical changes during pregnancy and build stamina for labor. However, before exercising, check with your doctor first, especially if pregnant women have the conditions mentioned above.

Several Sports Options for Pregnant Women

Various Sports Tips During Pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy needs to be done carefully. If previously pregnant women did not exercise regularly, start with a short duration of exercise starting from 10-15 minutes, then increase slowly to 30 minutes every day.

The following is a guide that can be used as a reference for pregnant women when exercising:

  • Wear comfortable loose clothing and a bra that supports your breasts well.
  • Wear sports shoes that can protect against injury.
  • Consume calorie foods up to 1 hour before exercise.
  • Warm up before exercise and cool down after.
  • Perform the movement on a flat surface to prevent injury.
  • Avoid changing body position suddenly so as not to get dizzy.
  • Drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Always follow the instructions of the trainer or instructor when taking certain classes, such as yoga or pilates.

If you are still in doubt, pregnant women can consult a doctor to find out more about the types and benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Don't forget to always apply a healthy diet, get enough rest, and stay away from bad habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, so that pregnant women and their fetuses stay healthy.

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