8 Months Pregnant: Prepare for Labor

8 months pregnant is a time when pregnant women need to prepare themselves and prepare various needs to undergo childbirth and welcome the arrival of the baby. At this gestational age, the development and growth of the fetus is more perfect.

If pregnant women want to give birth normally, 8 months pregnant is the right time to prepare everything. One of the preparations that pregnant women can do is to take part in pregnancy exercises. Pregnant women also have to know the growth of the fetus and what to pay attention to during this 8 month gestation.

8 Months Pregnant: Prepare for Labor - ALICE CLINIC

How Does the Fetus Grow?

When you are 8 months pregnant, the position of the fetal head is generally facing and pressing the cervix. The following is the development that the fetus goes through each week:

1. 33 weeks pregnant

In this week, the fetus will weigh about 1.9 kg with a length of 43.7 cm. There are several fetal developments when entering 33 weeks of gestation, including:

  • The head of the fetus is in the lower uterus in a position ready to be born. However, its position can change in the last weeks leading up to delivery
  • The cranium is still not strong and fully formed so that it can pass through the birth canal more easily
  • The skin starts to look brighter and not wrinkled as the fat under the skin's surface increases
  • The fetal brain and nervous system are fully developed

2. 34th week pregnant

Entering the 34th week, the fetus weighs about 2.1 kg with a length of 45 cm. The growth is even more significant, such as:

  • Fat under the skin continues to grow to maintain body temperature
  • The part of the ear that conveys messages to the brain is growing and makes the baby more aware of sounds
  • The bones in his body are getting harder, except for the cranium

3. 35th week pregnant

At this gestational age, the fetus weighs about 2.3 kg with a length of 46.2 cm. His body growth is also very rapid, including:

  • Visible fetal movement with a lump on the surface of the abdomen
  • Jain position curled up in the stomach with legs bent towards the chest
  • The testicles in a male fetus begin to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum

4. 36th week pregnant

In this week, the fetus weighs about 2.6 kg with a length of 47.4 cm. Towards 9 months pregnant, the fetus's body begins to prepare and adjust to face conditions outside the womb. The following are some of the changes that occurred:

  • The lungs are perfect and ready to take their first breath as soon as they are born into the world
  • Digestive system is fully developed and ready to suckle
  • The fetal head may have descended into the pelvis and is ready to be born
Read Too : 9 Months Pregnant: Baby Ready to Be Born into the World

Changes That Happened to the Body of 8 Months Pregnant Women

When you are 8 months pregnant, you will gain weight and make pregnant women easily tired and feel back pain. In addition, pregnant women's uterus also continues to tighten or begin to contract from time to time. This is a normal condition in pregnancy as part of dealing with childbirth. However, contractions are not necessarily a sign that the fetus will be born soon. If the contractions are frequent or painful and get louder over time, contact your doctor or midwife immediately.

Pregnant women will also urinate more often because the uterus presses on the bladder. However, keep drinking enough mineral water to prevent dehydration. Reduce consumption of tea and coffee, because the caffeine content in these drinks can make pregnant women urinate more often and have difficulty sleeping.

Read Too : How to Overcome Difficulty Sleeping in Pregnant Women According to the Cause

What to Check When 8 Months Pregnant?

During 8 months pregnant, pregnant women need to be more aware of certain complaints or conditions, including:

  • Bleeding from the vagina, especially if the amount is large
  • High blood pressure
  • Preeclampsia
  • Severe itching which can be a symptom of disorders of the liver
  • False contractions (Braxton Hicks contractions)
  • Premature rupture of membranes
  • Decreased fetal activity or no movement at all

Pregnant women may also have to give birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy. This birth is categorized as a premature birth. Babies born prematurely will need special care and attention.

What to Pay Attention to When 8 Months Pregnant?

8 months pregnant is a time when pregnant women begin to prepare for childbirth. Here are some guidelines that can make it easier for pregnant women to face childbirth:

1. Choose the right hospital

Pregnant women should choose a hospital or maternity clinic that is located in an affordable location and allows the mother to initiate early breastfeeding and is not separated from the room with the baby. Initiate early breastfeeding is needed so that babies get the benefits of colostrum, while a room with a baby makes it easier for mothers to give breast milk at any time.

2. Follow the breastfeeding method introduction exercise

When pregnant for 8 months, pregnant women should have undergone a period of training to introduce breastfeeding methods that can be followed at maternal and child hospitals, lactation clinics, or foundations that handle these activities.

3. Prepare a bag containing the needs of childbirth

When the gestational age has entered the 36th week, pregnant women are recommended to prepare a bag containing the needs during childbirth. Thus, when experiencing contractions, pregnant women no longer need to be busy deciding what to bring. The following are some of the items that should be included in the bag:

  • Health insurance card
  • Breast pads or pads to absorb milk that starts to drip
  • Change of clothes for mother and baby
  • Bathing needs, including special postnatal sanitary napkins
  • Baby necessities, such as clothes, blankets, and diapers
  • Breastfeeding equipment, such as breast pumps and bottles of expressed breast milk, if the mother cannot breastfeed
  • Extra blanket for mother and baby
  • Essential items during a pandemic, such as disposable gloves, masks, and hand sanitizers

4. Ask experienced people for advice

Parents or loved ones who have previously given birth may have special tips when dealing with childbirth. Pregnant women can ask for their support and advice as a reference before welcoming their little one. However, make sure the information is accurate and not just a myth. If necessary, pregnant women can also consult a doctor to ask what things need to be prepared and need to be done when 8 months pregnant.

Some of these things pregnant women must prepare well before 9 months pregnant, because at that gestational age the baby can be born at any time. If you still have questions about 8 months pregnant, pregnant women can consult a gynecologist to get the right explanation.

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