When you are 4 months pregnant or around 17-20 weeks, the fetus is getting more active, so its movements are starting to be felt. In addition to the growing body size of the fetus, at the age of 4 months of pregnancy, the facial shape of the fetus will also be clearer. Not only for the fetus, during 4 months pregnant, the pregnant woman's body will see changes, especially the pregnant woman's stomach which is getting bigger. Pregnant women may already need to wear maternity clothes when they are 4 months pregnant.
Fetal Growth During 4 Months Pregnant
At 4 months pregnant, the length of the fetus ranges from 13-16.4 cm and weighs about 140-300 grams. At this time, the nervous system of the fetus has begun to function and its reproductive organs have fully developed. Pregnant women may already be able to see their gender when the ultrasound is done. Fetal development at 4 months pregnant can be counted from the 17th to the 20th week. Here is the explanation:
1. 17 weeks pregnant
At 17 weeks, the fetus is about 13 cm long and weighs 140 grams. At this age, the fetus also undergoes various other developments, such as:
- The face is more visible with eyebrows and eyelashes starting to grow.
- The eyeballs are able to move, although the eyelids are still closed.
- The mouth begins to open and close.
- Fingers and fingerprints are starting to form.
- Hands start to clench.
- The umbilical cord is getting longer, thicker, and stronger.
- The cranium, which is composed of cartilage, begins to harden.
- The fetus begins to respond to external sounds, such as music.
- The body enlarges following the head so that the shape of the fetus becomes more proportional.
2. 18 weeks pregnant
At 18 weeks of gestation, the fetus has reached a length of 14.2 cm and weighs 190 grams. Starting from this week until the 20th week, pregnant women have begun to be able to feel fetal movements more clearly. The fetus also undergoes other developments, such as:
- Blood vessels have appeared on the surface of the skin.
- Ears begin to look shaped, although not perfect.
- The sex of the fetus has been identified.
3. 19 weeks pregnant
At the 19th week, the fetus is the size of a mango. The average weight reaches 240 grams with a length of about 15.3 cm. Fetal developments that occur in this week are:
- The fetus has been able to swallow amniotic fluid and the kidneys can produce urine.
- The hair on the head begins to grow.
- Nerves for smelling, feeling, seeing, hearing, and touching begin to form in the brain.
4. 20 weeks pregnant
At week 20, the fetus reaches 16.4 cm in length and weighs 300 grams. In addition, the fetus will also experience development in the form of:
- The body begins to be protected by a layer of fat called the vernix caseosa. This layer protects the fetal skin while in the amniotic fluid.
- Eccrine sweat glands begin to form.
- The number of eggs in the ovaries of female fetuses is maximum, which is about 6-7 million eggs.
- The fetus is able to stretch and suck its fingers.
- Fetal movements will be more pronounced. Pregnant women may feel the fetus kicking in the stomach.
Body Changes That Occur During 4 Months Pregnant
As previously mentioned, during 4 months pregnant, pregnant women will be more visible because their stomachs are getting bigger, so pregnant women may need to start wearing special clothes and pants for pregnant women. When you are 4 months pregnant, pregnant women may also start to feel new complaints, namely heartburn or heartburn. This complaint may be felt because pregnancy hormones can cause the valve above the stomach to relax, allowing stomach acid to back into the esophagus.
This condition can also be exacerbated by pressure from the growing uterus, so that complaints of heartburn or heartburn may be felt. In the 4th month too, changes in hair and skin will occur. The changes caused can be different for each person, some are pleasant, some are not.
In hair, for example, some pregnant women may feel that their hair becomes thicker and shiny than before. However, there are also pregnant women who actually experience hair loss when they are 4 months pregnant. Changes that occur in the skin as well. There are those who experience stretching and hyperpigmentation, others whose skin looks brighter, beautiful, and shiny (pregnancy glow).
Pregnancy hormones at this time not only affect the physical condition of pregnant women, but also affect the ability to think, remember, and focus. This is also known as the pregnancy brain. If pregnant women experience this, there is no need to worry, because this is normal.
Read Too : Know the Types of Pregnancy Hormones and Their Functions
During 4 months pregnant, pregnant women may also feel frequent pain in the thighs or legs. The complaint, called sciatic nerve pain, is thought to be caused by the enlargement of the uterus which then presses on the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the body which is located from the bottom of the uterus to the feet.
Some Things to Check When 4 Months Pregnant
During 4 months pregnant, pregnant women still have to carry out general examinations, such as checking blood pressure, body temperature, and weight of the mother and fetus. Pregnant women may also need to perform special examinations to detect abnormalities in the fetus, especially for those who have a history of hereditary diseases. If pregnant women have allergies, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the allergy symptoms that appear are too bothersome and cause discomfort. Doctors may give allergy medications that are safe for pregnancy and the fetus.
Things to Pay Attention to When 4 Months Pregnant
When pregnant for 4 months, there are several things that pregnant women need to pay attention to in order to maintain the health of pregnant women and their fetuses, namely:
- Do exercise regularly. Make sure the sport you choose is safe for pregnant women.
- Consumption of balanced nutritious foods that meet the body's iron needs, such as poultry, fish, lean red meat, and spinach.
- Avoid consumption of spicy, oily, and acidic foods.
- Enough sleep. In order to sleep feels safe and comfortable, try to sleep on your side, so that the blood vessels are not compressed by the weight of the uterus.
- Use extra pillows at your sides to support your growing belly.
- Avoid wearing high heels. Instead, wear shoes with flat soles.
Even though it is already in the second trimester, pregnant women still have to be aware of the risk of miscarriage. Miscarriage is generally characterized by heavy bleeding accompanied by the release of tissue clots, pain in the back and lower abdomen, weakness, and fever.
Read Too : Signs of Miscarriage to Watch Out for
If you experience the symptoms mentioned above or feel something unusual or unbearable, pregnant women are advised to consult a doctor for proper treatment. To be sure, for the health of pregnant women and fetuses, do routine pregnancy checks according to the schedule set by the doctor.
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