Many myths about the sex of the baby in the womb have been circulating for generations. In fact, this myth is still believed by some pregnant women in Indonesia. To find out the real facts behind the myth of baby gender, let's find out the answer in the following article.
Actually, the most accurate way to detect the sex of a baby in the womb is through an ultrasound examination conducted by a gynecologist. Studies show that ultrasound examination at 18 weeks of gestation has an accuracy rate of up to 90% in detecting the sex of the fetus.
In addition to ultrasound, doctors can also detect the sex of the fetus by examining the chromosomes or genetic components of the fetus. This test can also be done as part of a screening test to detect genetic abnormalities in the fetus.
Myths and Facts About The Gender of Babies in The Womb That You Need to Know
Many pregnant women believe in various rumors and myths surrounding pregnancy. However, this myth is not necessarily true. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to know various facts about the sex of the baby in the womb so as not to be misguided.
The following are some of the myths surrounding the baby's gender and the facts behind them:
1. Frequently experiencing morning sickness is a sign of a baby girl
Myth: Experiencing severe morning sickness during pregnancy is a sign of having a baby girl.
Fact: This myth could be true. There are several studies that say that mothers who are pregnant with girls often experience more severe morning sickness. Some pregnant women with this condition can even experience hyperemesis gravidarum.
This is because levels of pregnancy hormones that trigger morning sickness are higher in mothers who are pregnant with girls. However, this cannot be used as a reference for determining the sex of the fetus, because mothers who are pregnant with male babies can also experience severe morning sickness.
2. Slower fetal heart rate is a sign of a baby boy
Myth: A fetal heart rate of less than 140 beats per minute is a sign that you are carrying a boy.
Fact: This allegation turns out to be just a myth. In fact, there was no significant difference between the heart rates of baby boys and girls during the first trimester of pregnancy.
This is also reinforced by a study of a group of pregnant women who showed the average heart rate of baby boys in the first trimester was 155 beats per minute, while that of baby girls was 151 beats per minute. The study certainly proves that the baby's heart rate can not be used as a benchmark to determine gender.
3. Round belly shape is a sign that you are pregnant with a baby girl
Myth: A rounded belly during pregnancy is a sign that you are pregnant with a girl, while a drooping or oval belly is a sign that you are pregnant with a boy.
Fact: This statement is also purely a myth. The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy is influenced by body shape, weight during pregnancy, and the size and position of the fetus in the womb. Until now, there are no studies that prove that the shape of the stomach during pregnancy is related to the sex of the fetus.
Read Too : 5 Myths of Pregnant Girls and The Facts
4. Consuming a lot of sweet food is a sign that you are pregnant with a baby girl
Myth: Women who are carrying a baby girl are said to have cravings for sugary foods and drinks.
Fact: There is no scientific data that can prove the truth of this myth. The desire to eat sweet foods in pregnant women is caused by changes in pregnancy hormones that can increase the sensitivity of the senses of taste and smell.
In addition, there are many reasons why pregnant women crave sweet foods, including low blood sugar levels, often feeling tired, and lack of sleep.
5. Consume acidic foods to get a baby boy
Myth: Eating acidic foods is believed to increase the chances of conceiving a boy.
Fact: This allegation is just a myth and there is no scientific evidence to support it. During pregnancy, eating a variety of nutritious foods is very important to maintain the health of pregnant women and fetuses.
Limiting nutritional intake or following a certain diet during pregnancy can actually interfere with the health and condition of the fetus.
Read Too : Get to know the Myths of Pregnant Boys and the Facts
6. Sex before ovulation to get a baby girl
Myth: Having sex before ovulation is believed to increase the chances of conceiving a baby girl. Conversely, having sex after ovulation will increase the chances of conceiving a baby boy.
Fact: There is no scientific evidence regarding the myth that regular sex before ovulation can result in a girl baby, although this is based on the fact that female baby sperm can last longer than male baby sperm. Having sex close to ovulation can increase the chances of getting pregnant, but it doesn't affect the sex of the baby.
Indeed, there are many myths about the gender of babies circulating in the community. However, the sex of the fetus is actually determined shortly after the sperm meets the egg in the process of fertilization. To determine the sex of the baby, the methods that have been proven to be accurate and effective are by checking with a gynecologist, including undergoing DNA tests, ultrasound, and amniocentesis.
Not only to find out the sex of the baby in the womb, obstetrical examinations must also be carried out regularly to monitor the condition of pregnant women and fetuses, and avoid pregnancy complications.
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