When Can Dad Feel Baby Movement From Mother's Stomach?

Feeling the movement of the fetus is certainly a joy for every parent. Moreover, this activity also plays a major role in building the initial bond between parents and children. So, when is it normal for Mom and Dad to be able to feel the movements of the Little One in the womb?

Mom and Dad may be looking forward to the moment when they can feel the movement of the fetus in the womb. In addition to bonding with the fetus, this activity can also reassure parents that the fetus is growing and developing well. Then, at what gestational age can Mom and Dad feel the movement of the Little One?

When Can Dad Feel Baby Movement From Mother's Stomach? - ALICE CLINIC

When Can Fetal Movements Be Felt by Parents?

Time to feel fetal movement can be different for each parent. Mothers can generally feel the movement of the fetus when the gestational age ranges from 16-22 weeks. However, Dad may have to wait a little longer so he can feel the agility of the Little One in the womb. Fetal movements in the abdomen of pregnant women can usually only be felt from the outside during the second trimester or precisely at 20–24 weeks of gestation.

As the gestational age increases, fetal movements can become more pronounced and occur more frequently. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus can even move up to about 30 times in 1 hour. However, every pregnant woman can have a different experience because each pregnancy is basically unique. There are some pregnant women who can feel fetal movement earlier, but there are also those who have to wait longer to feel it.

Some Things That Affect Fetal Movement

Fetal movements from outside the abdomen can be felt depending on the thickness of the abdominal wall. If your pregnant woman is overweight, you may need to wait until the third trimester to feel fetal movement. In addition, the level of fetal activity and the location of the placenta or placenta also have an effect. In pregnant women with the location of the placenta in the front of the uterus (anterior placenta), fetal movement will be more difficult to feel from outside the uterus because the uterine wall is blocked by the placenta.

The Importance of Feeling Fetal Movement

Fetal movement is one of the good signs or not the condition of the fetus in the womb. If the fetus moves a lot, it is likely that its development is smooth and it is in good health. On the other hand, if the movement is infrequent or not felt at all, there could be health problems affecting the fetus. Some conditions that can make the fetus rarely move are fetal distress and stillbirth. However, the fetus rarely moves, it could be because he is enjoying his long sleep. This is a normal thing to happen when you pregnant.

There is no limit to the number of movements that indicate that the fetus is healthy or not. Because the activity of each fetus is different. However, most healthy fetuses will move about 10 or more times each day. The best way to monitor the health of the fetus through its movements is to know the average fetal movement. The trick is to record how many times the fetus moves in an hour at the same time, for example in the afternoon. Do this for a few days. Later, Mom and Dad will know how much the fetus generally moves in an hour. So, when the fetus moves less often than usual, Mom and Dad can immediately check the condition of the Little One to the doctor or midwife.

How to Stimulate Fetal Movement

The fetus can feel and respond to the touch of affection from outside the stomach, you know! Since in the womb, the fetus can hear, feel, and remember. Thus, he was able to feel the love of his parents. If the fetus is suddenly less active, there are several ways that parents can do to stimulate it to move, namely:

1. Inviting the fetus to talk

When the gestational age reaches 26 weeks, the fetus has begun to be able to hear sounds from outside the mother's body. Therefore, the fetus can be stimulated to move when he is spoken to. Not only that, often inviting the fetus to talk will also build an emotional bond between parents and fetus.

2. Playing music for the fetus

In addition to inviting the fetus to talk, Mother and Father can also stimulate fetal movement by playing music for the fetus to hear. Actually there is no definite measure of what kind of music is best for babies. However, Mom and Dad can choose a song or music with a soft and soothing tone and strain of voice. When playing music, play music at a volume that is not too loud.

3. Rubbing the belly of pregnant women

According to research, touch is what triggers the fetal response the most. The study showed that the fetus is most active when the pregnant woman's stomach is rubbed gently and lovingly. In rubbing the stomach or feeling the movement of the fetus, you need to do it carefully and slowly. Use an oil or cream that contains vitamin E if the skin on the stomach feels itchy. If necessary, install aromatherapy to add to the sensation of relaxation.

Besides being beneficial for the fetus, it turns out that massage can also make you more relaxed and sleep better. Massage can also relieve pain and increase blood circulation in your body. However, as a safe step, stroking your stomach should not be done excessively in the first trimester of pregnancy.

If the methods above have been tried but your little one still doesn't move often or doesn't move at all for 2 consecutive days, you should immediately check with your obstetrician. This could be a sign that you are experiencing fetal distress or even stillbirth.

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