Your child has ADHD and seems so interested and focused while playing video games? Come on, see the following article so that you know the benefits and rules that need to be applied when your little one plays video games! Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that is more common in children and adolescents. Children with ADHD can be identified by their hyperactive behavior (talking a lot or moving), difficulty focusing attention, and sometimes being impulsive.
Video Games Can Help ADHD Children Focus
Most ADHD children are more interested in playing video games than the average child. The reason is, the fast movement on the screen is able to attract their attention, so they don't have time to think about anything else.
There is a positive impact of playing games for ADHD children. ADHD children who tend to be quiet, easily bored, and easily distracted can be calmer and more focused when playing games. Their attention will be focused on the screen because of the flickering lights, sound effects that come out, and the interesting visual effects of the video.
In fact, in the United States there are already video games designed to be therapeutic for ADHD children. In addition to therapeutic purposes, video games can also bring pleasure to ADHD children so that it has a positive effect on their mental health. In addition, gameplay in video games can also build or improve:
- Hand and eye coordination
- Strategy and problem solving skills
- Planning and prioritization skills
- Cooperation ability
- Visual skills
So that the benefits of playing video games can be maximized, make sure the games your little one plays are appropriate for their age. In addition, choose educational games.
Risk of ADHD Child Addicted to Video Games
Although it can help improve focus, don't let your little one play video games for too long if he has ADHD. The reason is, children with ADHD are at higher risk for video game addiction than other children. Therefore, the role of parents is needed to help children understand the limits of playing video games. Don't let your child be immersed in the world of video games and reluctant to interact with friends and family members in the real world.
Also pay attention if your little one starts tantrums when told to stop or loses the game, stays up late to play video games, interacts less with family or friends, and experiences a decline in achievement. This is a sign that you should strictly limit the use of video games. The following is the ideal duration of playing video games for children based on their school age:
- Preschool age children: only with very limited duration of parental assistance
- Elementary school children: 1–1.5 hours per day, including TV viewing time
- Middle school students: 1.5–2 hours per day, including watching TV and accessing cell phones
- High school students: 2–2.5 hours per day
This duration can be negotiated according to academic needs, especially for middle and high school students who may need more internet access.
Children with ADHD need special treatment so that their behavior and skills can be formed properly. Video games are one way that children with ADHD can practice some of their skills. However, children also need to see and feel the outside world to practice many other skills. So, guide your little one so that he doesn't spend a lot of time staring at the screen, including playing video games on the television, computer, or cellular phone (cell phone).
Parents also need to consistently give rewards when children obey the rules and consequences if children break the rules. That way, children can understand the importance of rules and what the meaning behind these rules is. Make rules and accompany your little one when playing video games to minimize the negative impact. If you find it difficult to manage this, don't hesitate to consult a child psychologist.
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