Ways To Overcome Morning Sickness At Night

The term "morning sickness" does mean nausea that appears in the morning. But actually, morning sickness can also occur at night, you know. So that pregnant women's sleep is not disturbed, know how to deal with morning sickness at night. The appearance of morning sickness is triggered by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. Usually, this condition will subside after the pregnant woman passes the first trimester of pregnancy.

Ways To Overcome Morning Sickness At Night - ALICE CLINIC

Complaints of morning sickness in the morning and afternoon often make pregnant women lazy to eat. Meanwhile, if it occurs at night, morning sickness can make pregnant women unable to sleep well. In fact, lack of sleep and lack of rest can harm pregnant women.

How to Overcome Morning Sickness at Night

When experiencing nausea and vomiting at night, pregnant women can try the following ways to relieve it:

1. Drink ginger tea

In addition to making the body feel warmer, several studies have also revealed that consuming ginger tea before bed can overcome nausea at night, you know. But remember, if pregnant women have health problems or are more sensitive to certain scents, you should first consult with your doctor before applying this method.

2. Prepare a bedside snack

If pregnant women suddenly wake up at night because of nausea, try to eat a little snack. This method can relieve the nausea that pregnant women feel. So that you don't have to bother getting out of bed and leaving the room, always prepare snacks, such as biscuits or nuts, on the pregnant woman's bedside table.

Read Too : Delicious Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women

3. Avoid eating fatty foods at night

Limit the consumption of fatty foods at night, pregnant women. If you can, avoid it altogether. This type of food will take longer to digest by the body and can trigger nausea. Instead, pregnant women can eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as bread, potatoes, whole grains, or vegetables. In addition, try not to go to sleep or lie down immediately after eating. Therefore, set dinner time so that it is not too close to bedtime, pregnant women.

4. Try to be calm

When you start to feel nauseous at night, take a deep breath, then exhale slowly. Do this several times until pregnant women feel calm and nausea subsides. Pregnant women can also inhale aromatherapy with a fresh smell, such as lemon or mint. If the bedroom feels stuffy, try to get some fresh air by briefly opening the bedroom window.

Well, pregnant women can try some of the ways above to deal with morning sickness at night. However, if the complaints are getting worse, especially if the pregnant woman keeps vomiting and can't eat or drink, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

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