The Sleeping Position Of 9 Months Pregnant Women Here

The sleeping position of a 9-month pregnant woman should not be arbitrary, and it is not easy to find a comfortable position when sleeping with a large stomach. Pay attention to the various comfortable and safe sleeping positions for the following 9 months pregnant women.

So that you feel more comfortable and the baby in the womb remains safe, the sleeping position of a 9-month pregnant woman must be handled. Sleeping in the wrong position can increase the pressure on certain organs, thereby risking discomfort and various disorders.

The Sleeping Position Of 9 Months Pregnant Women Here - ALICE CLINIC

Avoid supine or prone position

Sleeping on your back in the ninth month of pregnancy is not the best position to do. Behind the growing uterus, there are the aorta and inferior vena cafa. These two blood vessels carry blood from the heart to the entire body and return it to the heart. When these blood vessels are under pressure, the result can slow blood circulation to both pregnant women and the fetus they are carrying. In addition, when you lie on your back, you may find it harder to breathe and feel dizzy. The supine position can also put pressure on organs in the stomach, such as the intestines, so that you can experience gastrointestinal disorders.

In infants, it is possible that the intake of nutrients and oxygen is inhibited if the mother sleeps on her back. However, this rarely happens. Moreover, when the baby feels an uncomfortable position, the baby will react first, such as kicking or moving to get a comfortable position. The prone position or stomach at the bottom is also not the right choice. Because when you sleep in a prone position, the uterus and breasts will be depressed by the stomach.

Do the Side Sleeping Position

The best sleeping position for 9 months pregnant women is lying on their side. The tilted position can make you more comfortable and safe for the stomach, as well as the fetus in the womb. In addition, lying on the left side is considered better than the right. Apart from not putting pressure on the liver, this position also helps improve blood circulation, making it easier for blood and nutrients to be supplied to the placenta to be passed on to the fetus.

Do This To Be More Comfortable

There are several things you can do to make your sleeping position more comfortable, and of course also keep your baby safe. These things are:

  • Put more pillows under your head, especially if you have heartburn. The goal is to prevent stomach acid from rising into the esophagus.
  • Place a pillow under your stomach when lying on your side. The goal is to support the stomach. Alternatively, place a pillow between your knees. If you have time, buy a special long pillow to support the sleeping position of 9 months pregnant women. Otherwise, a regular pillow will suffice.
  • Place a pillow under your sides, if you experience shortness of breath. The goal is to make your chest more lifted and open the airways.

Sleeping while pregnant may seem like a hassle, but finding a good 9-month pregnant sleeping position can still be done. Thus, you can still rest comfortably while waiting for the birth of your baby. Make sure to regularly check your pregnancy to the obstetrician after entering the age of 9 months of pregnancy.

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