Vitamin D : How, Functions, Triggers, Formation Process, Effects and Tips for Preventing Vitamin D Deficiency

Food sources that contain Vitamin D can be obtained from various forms such as fruit, meat, vegetables and other sources. Have you ever sunbathed for vitamin D? Yes, this method is very appropriate to meet the intake of vitamin D naturally. While vitamin D can be obtained naturally from the body with the help of sunlight. Skin that is exposed to direct sunlight will undergo a chemical process so that it can produce vitamin D.

Vitamin D

How Vitamin D Works

This vitamin D will be transferred to the liver, kidneys, and various other important organs. The main role of vitamin D in the body is to maintain the body's cells so that they can work properly and also helps supply calcium for the blood, intestines and bones. So, vitamin D is very important for the body like other types of vitamins.

Functions of Vitamin D for Health

Vitamin D has very special characteristics compared to other types of vitamins. The body can get vitamin D naturally when any part of the skin is exposed to the sun. Another uniqueness of vitamin D is when there is a part of vitamin D in the body that changes its function into a hormone or calcitriol. The role of vitamin D can be very diverse to form a healthy body. The following are the various functions of vitamin D for the body.

  1. Vitamin D is able to help the absorption of magnesium and calcium to all parts of the body that need it.
  2. Vitamin D is able to maintain the needs of calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood.
  3. Vitamin D has a very big role to control the rate of growth of bones and teeth.
  4. All vitamin D produced by the body can support the function of critical body muscles such as muscles in the heart, lungs, and brain so that the body can fight infection.


Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is indeed more underestimated than other types of vitamins. However, vitamin D deficiency can lead to some serious health problems. If vitamin D deficiency occurs in the body, it can cause health problems, namely:

  • Rickets is a type of bone disorder that can occur in children due to vitamin D deficiency. This disease can cause bones to become softer and brittle because soft bone growth does not get enough minerals (calcium). Symptoms of this disease are indicated by bone deformities, bones become more brittle, the shape of the bone structure becomes thinner and brittle. Rickets can also affect adults and is more commonly referred to as osteomalacia.
  • Several studies have also shown that long-term vitamin D deficiency can lead to several types of degenerative diseases such as heart attacks and cancer.
  • The body that has low levels of vitamin D also has a risk of several diseases such as respiratory health problems (asthma), hypertension, severe depression, diabetes and Alzheimer's.

Triggers Vitamin D Deficiency In The Body

The body always has different ways of responding to various health problems, including if the body lacks vitamin D. Symptoms of weak muscles, a lackluster body and muscle aches are usually not realized because they are thought to be only due to fatigue. The following are various problems that trigger vitamin D deficiency that we must be aware of.

  • Wrong diet. Basically there are various types of food substances that can help the body to get vitamin D. But many people do not want to consume these foods because they are on a diet. The type of vegetarian diet is one of the great risks for experiencing vitamin D deficiency. An unbalanced diet with several types of foods such as eggs, fish and meat is the trigger for a very large vitamin D deficiency.
  • Bad lifestyle. The pattern of life with a busy work in the office causes the body to lack vitamin D. This is because the skin does not get enough sunlight. To prevent vitamin D deficiency, you should consume various types of foods that are rich in vitamin D content.
  • Excess melanin that causes the skin can not absorb vitamin D as well. This is more common in adults or the elderly who experience changes in skin color due to age.
  • Kidney health problems. Older people who have problems with kidney disease also have a risk of vitamin D deficiency. Kidneys that are not able to convert vitamin D to the body will cause dangerous diseases.
  • Impaired absorption of vitamin D in the digestive organs so that the body does not get enough vitamin D intake.
  • People who are obese also have a risk of vitamin D deficiency because the process of absorption of the vitamin by the blood is disrupted by fat in the body.

Vitamin D Formation Process

Vitamin D basically can be produced by the body from the absorption of sunlight by the skin. But to get enough vitamin D, the body must get intake from various types of food. Levels of vitamin D requirement per day according to the standard are 200 IU (children and adults), 400 IU (aged 51-70 years) and 600 IU (age over 70 years). So, as we get older we need a higher intake of vitamin D.

Here are some food sources that contain super high vitamin D and its health benefits.

Cod Liver Oil

#1 Cod Liver Oil (Vitamin D : 10,000 IU / 100 grams)

The food source that contains the highest vitamin D is cod liver oil which contains 10,000 International Union. Cod is a type of fish that has a variety of nutritional content that is very good for the body. Cod meat is widely processed into various types of food such as salted food, packaging and also fresh fish. Cod liver is mostly processed into oil which is packaged in capsules.

Here are the benefits of consuming cod liver oil :

  • Cod liver oil has a very high vitamin D content. This vitamin helps the absorption of calcium by the body, relieves the symptoms of osteoporosis, reduces pain in people with bone disease and fights bone damage.
  • The content of lipids and omega 3 fatty acids in cod liver oil is very good for preventing calcification and accumulation of plaque in the arteries that can cause heart attacks and strokes.
  • Cod liver oil is also very useful for accelerating wound healing because it contains natural substances that can fight infections in the body.
  • The content of vitamin D in cod liver oil also has the potential to increase brain intelligence, help brain function and prevent senility.
Read Too :  5 Benefits of Cod Liver Oil for Children


#2 Salmon (Vitamin D: 1400 IU/ 100 grams)

Salmon is a type of fish that is found in the Atlantic Ocean. Salmon has a very complete nutritional content. Salmon is one of the best foods from Japan as a Sushi dish or raw food. Although sliced ​​salmon has a more expensive price, it is very good for health. The following are some of the benefits of salmon for health.

  • Salmon contains a lot of vitamin D which is very good for supporting healthy bones and teeth. Salmon can overcome and prevent bone disease disorders such as osteoarthritis and all inflammatory problems in the joints. Even the calcitonin content in salmon can increase collagen levels so that cartilage can be very good.
  • The content of omega 3 in salmon also supports brain function, increases intelligence, and prevents depression.
  • Omega 3 in salmon is also very instrumental in overcoming heart disease, preventing blood clots and protecting heart arteries. This makes salmon can reduce the risk of jaunting disease, stroke, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Read Too :  Complete Nutrition Behind the Benefits of Salmon

Tuna Barbecue

#3 Canned Tuna (Vitamin D: 880 IU / 85 grams)

The next super high vitamin D food is canned tuna. Tuna is a type of fish that has a soft and delicious taste. Processed tuna that is very popular is canned tuna. This tuna has gone through various stages of processing so you only need to warm it or add your favorite seasoning. The addition of several types of tuna and cooking spices in cans makes the vitamin and nutritional content of tuna higher. The following are some of the benefits of tuna for body health.

  • The content of omega 3 in canned tuna can prevent various types of heart disease, help the body lower cholesterol, inhibit the formation of plaque in blood vessels and can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • The protein and calorie content in tuna can be a good source of energy for the body, so it can help you lose weight.
  • Vitamin D in tuna can help strengthen the immune system, prevent bone disease problems and strengthen the structure of bones and teeth.


#4 Herring (Vitamin D: 215 IU/100 grams)

Herring is the most common type of fish found in the Atlantic Ocean. Herring has a delicate meaty taste and delicious taste. Every 5 ounces of herring contains at least 270 calories, healthy fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. Even the content of vitamin D in herring can reach about 215 IU per 100 grams. The following are the benefits of herring for body health.

  • The content of vitamin B complex and iron in herring can supply the production of red blood cells in the blood. This will make the body healthier.
  • The content of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in herring is able to meet the mineral needs for the body. This mineral is used for the formation of bones and teeth, strengthens bones and protects the body from infection.

Fried Sardine Dishes

#5 Sardines (Vitamin D: 190 IU/100 grams)

The abundant supply of sardines can be utilized by everyone. Sardines are widely processed into canned foods that have been enriched with nutrients from spices and olive oil. In addition, sardines also contain a lot of magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Consuming 100 grams of sardines twice a week is sufficient for the basic needs of vitamin D. The benefits of sardines are also very good for health, including:

  • The vitamin D found in sardines can meet the daily vitamin requirement of the average adult and child. Vitamin D will help the process of absorption of calcium so that bones and teeth become healthy and strong.
  • The production of red blood cells carried out by vitamin B12 in sardines is also very important for the body. Even the content of vitamin A in sardines is also very good for maintaining eye health.
  • The content of omega 3 fatty acids in sardines also plays a role in maintaining the heart muscle, preventing heart attacks, and lowering bad cholesterol in the blood.

Red Caviar

#6 Caviar (Vitamin D: 119 IU/100 grams)

Caviar is a food obtained from fish eggs. The type of fish that can be used for caviar is Beluka fish or Sturgeon. Caviar is very expensive and not everyone can enjoy raw caviar. The following are some of the benefits of consuming caviar for health.

  • The content of vitamins A, C, D and E in black caviar is very beneficial for the body. All of these vitamins support the health of the body's system by boosting immunity, boosting the antibody system, and preventing damage to healthy cells in the body.
  • The zinc content in caviar plays a role in boosting the immune system, producing red blood cells, and helping the body fight bacterial infections and diseases.
  • The content of omega 3 fats in caviar can increase immunity because it can form eicosanoids that provoke the work of immune cells in the body. Even the content of omega 3 is also very good for preventing diseases caused by inflammation in the body.

#7 Milk (Vitamin D : 98.7 IU/175 ml)

Milk is a very common drink. Milk has a sweet taste, delicious with a thick structure and warm in the stomach. Milk is drunk by children and adults are always afraid to drink milk because of the fat content in milk. Actually adults and the elderly are required to consume milk to meet daily nutritional needs. Milk has various types of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are very good for the body. Here are the benefits of consuming milk regularly.

  • Milk has a very high calcium content so it is very useful for supporting bone growth and health. Milk that has been supplemented with vitamin D is very good for adults and the elderly to prevent bone disease problems and strengthen tooth density.
  • Protein in milk serves to help the body in building muscle strength so that it can be a healthy source of energy for the body.
  • Low-fat milk can help a diet program if consumed regularly. Milk can make the body more relaxed and relaxed in a state of stress.
Read Too : Various Nutrient Contents in a Glass of Milk


#8 Cod (Vitamin D: 48 IU/100 grams)

Cod is one type of fish that has a habitat in the sea. Cod is found in large numbers as a result of marine fisheries. Cod fish contains various nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Even cod liver is often processed into oil which is sold in capsules. You can get cod from the supermarket, because it is usually difficult to find from the catch of ordinary fishermen. Here are the benefits of cod fish for body health.

  • Vitamin D in cod can be useful to help the body absorb calcium for bones and teeth. This makes the body less susceptible to bone health disorders and respiratory problems. In addition, cod also helps prevent colon cancer.
  • Cod has high protein and low calories so it is very good to support a diet program. besides that it is also very good for maintaining the health of the body's muscles and avoiding cell damage due to overactive activities.
  • The content of omega 3 fatty acids in cod is very good for preventing heart disease and diabetes. Omega 3 fatty acids play a role in regulating cholesterol in the blood, regulating high blood pressure and preventing plaque buildup in the arteries.
  • Vitamins B12 and B6 in cod can regulate homocysteine ​​levels in the blood so that it can prevent the process of stroke and heart attack.

Shitake Mushroom

#9 Shitake Mushroom (20.8 IU/100 grams)

Shitake mushrooms are a type of mushroom that originates from Japan. This mushroom has a long and small stem. Mushroom heads also have a very small size and resemble like a sprout. Shitake mushroom products are one of the imported products that can be processed into soup, a mixture of noodle dishes and several other dishes. The high vitamin D content in shiitake mushrooms is caused because these mushrooms grow in an open environment and absorb a lot of sunlight. The following are the benefits of consuming shitake mushrooms for body health.

  • Shitake mushrooms are one of the best foods to help with the weight loss process. The content of calories, fiber and protein in shitake mushrooms has a very suitable portion to make the stomach feel full for a longer time.
  • The vitamin B complex content in shitake mushrooms can be a source of energy for the body, helping the production of red blood cells and protecting the body from anemia.
  • Shiitake mushrooms contain vitamin D which is very good for managing the immune system, preventing bone damage and also for strengthening tooth density.
  • The minerals in shiitake mushrooms such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorus can make the body stronger and healthier.

Mushrooms are a healthy food for a diet that is powerful enough to increase stamina during a diet.

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#10 Chedar Cheese (Viamin D: 16 IU/ 100 grams)

Chedar cheese is one type of cheese that is processed from cow's milk and has been ripened for a certain time. We usually get this cheese from packaged cheese in the form of imported products. Chedar cheese forms and types are very diverse. There are types of white and yellow cheese with different types of textures. Consumption of Chedar cheese can be used as a sprinkling of bread, cakes or pasta. Nutrients in Chedar cheese are very important for the health of the body, including:

  • The protein content in cheddar cheese contains various types of amino acids which are very good for controlling health conditions, being a source of energy and good nutrition for the body's muscles.
  • Cheddar cheese contains all types of vitamins that are important for the body such as vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. Some of these vitamins can help the body not to be attacked by cancer-causing free radicals, formation of red blood cells, growth healthy cells and supports the body's DNA production.
  • The calcium content in cheddar cheese is very good for supporting muscle, nerve and bone function. Even in cheddar cheese is also found phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc which are important for maintaining kidney function, the formation of body proteins and maintain the immune system.
Cheese also acts as a super fast blood boosting food. In addition to the 10 foods above, there are various sources of vitamin D that are quite high.

Other Sources of Vitamin D

  1. Milk, Vitamin D 40 IU, 10% DV
  2. Eggs, Vitamin D 35 IU, 9% DV
  3. Cheese, Vitamin D 16 IU/ 100 gram – 4% Daily Value
  4. Spinach
  5. Soybeans
  6. Orange juice
  7. Oyster mushroom
  8. Vanilla ice cream
  9. Chocolate ice cream
  10. Queker Oats
  11. Pork
  12. Beef
  13. White Mushroom

Tips for Preventing Vitamin D Deficiency

Not all types of food contain vitamin D which is needed by the body. To prevent vitamin D deficiency, we can maintain food intake and do sports in the sun. Being in the sun for 20 minutes three times a week can provide enough vitamin D. But, don't forget to continue to eat foods that contain vitamin D. Foods that contain vitamin D are very effective if you combine it with the morning sun that nourishes the body.

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