Various Nutrient Contents in a Glass of Milk

Milk is an important source of nutrition, especially for children. A glass of milk contains a variety of good nutrients to support child growth and development, such as protein and various vitamins and minerals. In addition to nutritious food, mothers are also recommended to regularly give your little one milk every day to meet their nutritional needs. Children aged 6-9 years are advised to drink 2 glasses of milk per day, while children aged over 9 years are recommended to drink at least 3 glasses of milk per day.


By drinking milk, healthy bones and teeth, as well as children's immune system will always be maintained. Regular consumption of milk is also known to keep children away from various diseases, such as malnutrition and rickets. All these benefits can be obtained thanks to the nutritional content in a glass of milk.

Read Too :  List of Foods that Contain High Calcium in addition to Milk

Various Nutrient Contents in a Glass of Milk

The following are some of the nutrients contained in a glass of liquid cow's milk and their benefits for the child's body:

1. Protein

Milk is an excellent source of protein. A glass of milk contains about 7.5-8 grams of protein needed by a child's body. There are 2 types of protein in milk, namely casein and whey. Casein protein is good for controlling blood pressure to keep it stable, while whey protein is good for muscle growth and health in children.

2. Vitamin A

Some dairy products have also been enriched or fortified with vitamin A. Apart from protecting the eyes from damage, vitamin A can also strengthen children's immune systems and maintain healthy skin.

3. Vitamin B

Various types of B vitamins, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, are contained in milk. These B vitamins are useful for maintaining a healthy nervous system and brain, producing red blood cells, and supporting the process of energy formation or metabolism in a child's body.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced naturally when the skin is exposed to direct sunlight. However, this one nutrient can also be obtained through milk. Vitamin D is useful for strengthening bones and teeth, as well as maintaining healthy body muscles.

5. Calcium

One glass of milk contains about 275 mg of calcium. In addition to vitamin D, calcium is also needed by children to improve and maintain healthy bones and teeth. With adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, children's growth will be maintained and their height will be optimal. Not only that, calcium also functions to keep the nerves, muscles, and heart of children to function properly.

6. Phosphorus

About 200 mg of phosphorus contained in a glass of milk. Just like calcium, this one mineral is also needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth in children. In addition, phosphorus plays a role in maintaining children's muscles and nerves to function properly, helping the formation of DNA and RNA in body cells, and increasing metabolic processes by converting fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy.

7. Potassium

Potassium is a mineral that helps a child's nerves and muscles function properly, the heart beats regularly, and body fluids remain in balance. By drinking a glass of milk, at least 320 mg of potassium needs of children have been met.

8. Fiber

A study revealed that at least 9 out of 10 children lack fiber intake. In Indonesia itself, lack of fiber intake is often experienced by children aged 1-3 years. In fact, fiber is very important so that children's digestive tract health is maintained. The recommended amount of fiber intake for children aged 1-3 years is 19 grams per day. In addition to food, Mother can also meet the fiber needs of the Little One by giving him snacks that are equipped with high-fiber milk or high-fiber soy formula between meals, or what is called fiber eating hours, which are every 10 am, 2 pm, and 8 pm. .

Although the nutritional content in a glass of milk is quite complete, it is recommended that you continue to provide other nutrients to your little one so that their body health is maintained. These nutrients can be obtained from a balanced nutritious diet.

If you have questions about your child's nutritional needs or if your little one has certain medical conditions, such as lactose intolerance or cow's milk allergy, don't hesitate to consult with your pediatrician.

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