The Reasons Organic Food is Healthier for Babies

Parents often read information about various healthy food suggestions for babies, including those from organic ingredients. There are several reasons to choose organic food, although that does not mean the nutritional content is better than regular food.

Until now, pesticides are still widely used by farmers to protect crops from various fungi, insects, and diseases. However, unfortunately pesticides can leave residues on food products. Therefore, organic food is increasingly becoming an option because it does not use pesticides or synthetic fertilizers for its growth.

Reasons Organic Food is Healthier for Babies

Reasons Organic Food is Healthier for Babies

A study shows that the nutritional content of some organic foods is not much different from ordinary food. Meanwhile, another study showed that children who ate organic food had very low levels of pesticides in their urine.

However, there is no need to rush to decide to switch to organic food, because organic or non-organic food, the amount of residue is regulated by the government so as not to exceed the allowed limit. Moreover, the value of organic food is more expensive than standard food, therefore it desires additional consideration.

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Here are some reasons that make parents select organic menus as healthy food for babies:

  • Baby food is recommended from organic ingredients because the immune system or baby's immune system is not yet perfect, so it is more at risk of exposure to pesticides than adults.
  • Giving your baby organic food will ensure that the baby gets good early nutrition.
  • Some oldsters opt for organic food for babies for environmental reasons.
  • There are also parents who choose to give organic food because it tastes better.

Which is no less important than providing healthy food for babies, not only limited to organic or not, but getting used to a balanced diet that will carry over into adulthood.

Recommended Organic Food Choice

Certain foods are known to have high levels of pesticides, or have a texture that is more difficult to clean, so it is better to choose organic types.

Some of the following foods can be organic food choices for children:

1. Strawberries and blueberries

Although it has an interesting taste, you have to be careful in choosing these berries. Strawberries and blueberries are types of fruit with the highest pesticide residues, so it is better to choose organic. In addition, from a study found that organic strawberries have 8.5% more antioxidant levels.

2. Apples, pears and peaches

When eating fiber-rich apples, pears, and peaches, many people peel the skin off to avoid the pesticide content. Though not a bit nutrition within the skin. You can eat the skin of the fruit as long as you wash the fruit before eating it.

3. Spinach and cabbage

Usually vegetables are at risk of getting higher pesticide residues. If you need to provide healthy food for babies, parents can choose organic types, such as spinach and cabbage which are high in nutrients. It's better to wash the vegetables under running water

4. Potato

Potatoes can absorb pesticides in the soil. Therefore, it is best to use organic potatoes to minimize the risk of pesticide exposure. However, keep washing the potatoes until they are completely clean before processing.

5. Broccoli

Although not included in the list of foods with high levels of pesticides, this type of vegetable has a texture that is difficult to clean. So you need to be more careful in washing it so that it is really clean and suitable for consumption by your little one. For that, you can consider choosing organic broccoli. In addition, you are also advised to choose organic fruits and vegetables that are produced locally, rather than imported fruit or vegetables which may have more pesticide and chemical residues.

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If you want to provide healthy food for your baby from non-organic types, it is recommended to choose foods that are known to have low pesticide residues, such as onions, pineapples, sweet corn, cabbage, asparagus, eggplant, kiwi, watermelon, grapefruit and mushrooms. If necessary, consult a pediatrician for the best food choices for your baby. 

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