Understanding the Morning Wood Phenomenon That Occurs in Men

Morning wood is a term to describe an erect penis when you wake up in the morning. Is an erection that occurs in the morning something normal? What if a man doesn't have morning wood? Check out the full explanation below.

Morning Wood Phenomenon That Occurs in Men

What is Morning Wood?

As explained earlier, this makes the term morning wood means an erect penis in the morning. In the medical world, the phenomenon is called nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT). In addition, this condition is also known as nocturnal erection. NPT is not linked to sexual arousal or to dreams of having sex. This is actually a marker of the male reproductive system running normally. 

Erections in the morning regularly are a sign that the nerves and blood supply are functioning properly. If a man does not experience NPT regularly, this could indicate a health problem, such as erectile dysfunction (ED), problems with nerves, or impaired blood supply to the reproductive organs. Hormonal imbalances, such as decreased testosterone, can also affect how often a person experiences NPT. Lack of regular NPT can sometimes result from a person not getting quality sleep. As people age, a man may experience morning wood less frequently.

Causes of Morning Wood

Although there are several theories that can help explain the cause of the penis erection in the morning, but none of the theories are supported by strong scientific evidence. Some of these theories, including: 

Physical Stimulation 

Even though your eyes are closed, your body is still very aware of what is going on around you. If the partner accidentally touches the penis, an erection can occur. The body senses stimulation and responds with an erection. An erection caused by NPT may be physically different from an erection caused by arousal. One study found that some men experienced pain when experiencing NPT, but no pain during the typical erection. 

Hormone Shift 

Testosterone levels are at their highest in the morning after you wake up. This increase in hormones alone may be enough to cause an erection, even in the absence of physical stimulation. As men age, usually between the ages of 40 and 50, natural testosterone levels begin to fall. As these levels decrease, the frequency of NPT may also decrease. 

Brain Relaxation 

During waking hours, the body will release hormones to suppress an erection. When you sleep, your body releases less of these hormones. Combine these facts are the reasons you may have an erection in your sleep, so that NPT is more likely to occur. Morning wood is also not always a sign of sexual arousal. In most cases, NPT is not caused by dreams or thoughts of a sexual nature.


How Often Should Morning Wood Appear? 

Basically, men of all ages can experience NPT. Typically, younger adults, who have the highest testosterone levels, will experience nighttime erections more frequently. Young adult men may have an erection every morning and several times at night. Peak sexual maturity generally occurs when men are in their late teens to late 30s, and this may be related to higher testosterone levels. Morning wood means something normal for people in this age range. 

As a man approaches his 40s to 50s, the frequency of NPT may be less frequent. This happens because testosterone levels naturally decrease. However, the decline should occur gradually, not suddenly. Hormonal imbalances, especially those affecting the penis and testicles, can result in few or no episodes of NPT. This is one reason why regular erections in the morning are an important indicator of male sexual health. 

One study found that men with hypogonadism, a condition that prevents the sexual organs from fully functioning, experienced an increase in NPT after receiving testosterone therapy. Some studies say that the quality of a person's sleep can affect the frequency of NPT. If a person does not get good sleep and does not enter the REM sleep phase, a man may not experience nighttime erections. A study of 61 men with obstructive sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction found that better sleep quality resulted in more frequent NPT. 

What Does It Mean If You Stop Having Morning Wood? 

If you stop having NPT or notice that you don't wake up with an erect penis anymore, this may be an early sign of an underlying medical problem. Most likely, this is a sign of physical erectile dysfunction. You may experience something going on in your body that prevents adequate blood or nerve supply for proper erectile function. You are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction if:

  • Overweight. 
  • Have high blood pressure. 
  • High cholesterol levels. 
  • Suffering from diabetes. 
  • Experiencing depression. 
Certain physical disabilities can also make erectile dysfunction more likely.

When is the Right Time to Go to the Doctor? 

Since morning wood is an indicator of sleep quality and sexual health, it's a good idea to pay attention to how often it occurs. If NPT suddenly stops or occurs less frequently, consultation with a doctor is necessary. This condition can indicate a serious health problem, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes, especially in younger men. A doctor can help treat this condition. Certain medications, such as antidepressants, can make it difficult for a person to get or maintain an erection. Some drugs that can also cause a sudden decrease or stop in NPT include: 

  • High blood pressure medication. 
  • Muscle relaxant. 
  • Hormonal drugs. 
  • Seizure medicine. 
  • Histamine H2 antagonists. 
  • Chemotherapy drugs. 
  • Medication to treat arrhythmias. 
  • Diuretic. 
If a person has just started treatment and notices a change in the frequency of NPT, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Sometimes, your doctor may prescribe a different medication to help manage this side effect.

In addition, consultation with a doctor is necessary if the erection is painful.

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