About the Birth of Twins and Things to Be Prepared for

About the Birth of Twins and Things to Be Prepared for - Preparation for delivery of twins is actually not much different from childbirth in general. However, there are indeed some things that need to be known before giving birth to twins, so that pregnant women can make more thorough preparations from a long time ago.

About the Birth of Twins and Things to Be Prepared for - ALICE CLINIC

One of the preparations that pregnant women can do from the beginning of pregnancy is consultation with an obstetrician to determine the method of giving birth to twins according to the condition of the pregnant woman. In addition, pregnant women can also ask doctors about risks of conceiving twins, how to care for twins, and the sex of the babies in the womb.

Difference Between Identical Twins and Non-Identical Twins

There are two types of twins namely identical twins and non-identical twins. This is influenced by the number of eggs and sperm at the time of fertilization. Here is the explanation:

1. Fraternal or non-identical twins

Fraternal twins are the most common type of twin, fraternal twins occur when two or more eggs are fertilized by two or more sperm. Therefore, the physical appearance of fraternal twins is not exactly the same, but only looks like siblings. The gender can also be different.

2. Identical twins

Identical twins occur when one egg is fertilized by one sperm and then splits and develops into two or more fetuses. Identical twins will have the exact same physical appearance and the same sex.

Factors That Can Increase the Risk of Twin Pregnancy

Not all couples can have twins. However, there are several factors that can increase your chances of having twins, including:

1. Family history of twins

If there are twins in pregnant woman's family, especially fraternal twins, the pregnant woman's chances of conceiving twins will be greater. Having a family history of twins allows a woman to inherit a gene that allows her ovaries to release more than one egg at ovulation.

2. Age of pregnant women

Women who are pregnant at the age of more than 30 years have a greater chance of carrying twins. Pregnant women aged 35–40 years and have given birth also have a greater chance of conceiving twins. This is because release of two eggs simultaneously is more common in these conditions. In addition to heredity and age, the IVF program to produce offspring also increases a woman's chances of conceiving twins.

Method of Delivery of Twins

As with childbirth in general, there are two methods of giving birth to twins that can be an option, namely:

1. Normal delivery

About 1 in 3 twins is born by vaginal delivery. This delivery can be done if the head position of one of the twins is already in the birth canal. However pregnant women with twins who give birth normally usually require an epidural anesthetic injection to relieve pain.

2. Caesarean section

Most of the delivery of twins is done by caesarean section. This is because even though the baby's head is down and the first baby can be born normally, the second baby will usually have difficulty being born normally. Delivery of twins by caesarean section is highly recommended in the following conditions:

  • Triplets or more
  • breech baby position
  • Pregnant women have high blood pressure
  • The labor or opening process takes too long
  • Umbilical cord prolapse, which is when the umbilical cord descends and closes the birth canal
  • Twins share the same placenta

Risk of Twin Pregnancy

Containing twins can increase the risk of complications for pregnant women and their babies. There are several risks of twin pregnancy, including:

1. Babies born prematurely

The more the number of babies conceived, the higher the risk of babies being born prematurely. This condition can affect growth and development of the baby, both in the womb or when born later. Therefore pregnant women are advised to have more routine checkups if they are pregnant with twins.

2. Miscarriage

In addition to premature labor, the risk of miscarriage also increases if pregnant women are carrying twins. In some cases, one of the babies may even disappear, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. This condition is called vanishing twin syndrome.

Read Too: Know These Things If You Have Twins In The Womb

3. Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome

Twins who share blood vessels in the placenta are at risk for unequal blood sharing. One baby can get more blood, while the other baby is deficient. This condition can cause serious complications for both babies and is usually treated with an early delivery.

4. High blood pressure in pregnant women

Containing twins increases the risk of high blood pressure in pregnant women. Not only that, pregnant with twins also makes pregnant women more susceptible to anemia, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes. In addition to the various conditions above, pregnant women will also experience various complaints when carrying twins. Some of these complaints include:

  • More severe nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)
  • Gain more weight, especially in the first trimester
  • Hemorrhoids and varicose veins
  • Stomach bloating and heartburn
  • Pelvic pain and back pain
About the Birth of Twins and Things to Be Prepared for

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