Tips for Safe Drinking Tea for Pregnant Women

Drinking tea while pregnant is actually okay. However, pregnant women must apply safe tips for consuming tea during pregnancy to avoid side effects that may endanger health. Want to know what the tips are like? Check out the following article! Some pregnant women like to drink tea because they feel that the morning sickness they experience is relieved after drinking tea.

Consuming tea during pregnancy is actually safe as long as it is consumed in moderation. The reason, like coffee, tea also contains caffeine which can increase the risk of pregnancy disorders if consumed too much.

Tips for Safe Drinking Tea for Pregnant Women - ALICE CLINIC

Tips for safe drinking tea for pregnant women

So that the safety of consuming tea during pregnancy is maintained, there are several things that pregnant women need to pay attention to, namely:

1. Processing tea the right way

If pregnant women want to consume drinks from tea leaves, make sure pregnant women have reduced the caffeine content first, yes. The trick is to soak the tea leaves for 25 seconds. After that, strain and let the tea sit for 30 seconds before drinking.

2. Limit the amount of consumption

Pregnant women are recommended to limit the amount of tea consumption, no more than 200 mg or about two mugs of tea per day. This is important because tea is included in caffeinated beverages, so its consumption also needs to be limited. If pregnant women consume caffeine in excess, the risk for miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight babies, and other health problems can increase later in life.

3. Consume herbal tea

As an alternative, pregnant women can consume herbal teas. Herbal teas are not made from tea leaves which contain caffeine, but from plants or fruits, such as mint leaves, lemons, raspberries, or ginger so they are believed to be safer for pregnant women to consume.

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Choice of Herbal Teas That Pregnant Women Can Consume

Besides not containing caffeine, the enjoyment of herbal tea is not inferior to drinks made from tea leaves, you know. Especially if pregnant women put pieces of lemon, apple, and orange into the herbal tea they consume. Some herbal teas that are safe to drink and can bring benefits to pregnant women are:

1. Ginger tea

Ginger is a spice that is considered safe for consumption by pregnant women. Consumption of ginger tea during pregnancy can help reduce nausea. If pregnant women consume ginger tea, make sure the amount of ginger is not more than 1500 mg per day. This is because consuming ginger in excessive amounts can increase the risk of miscarriage.

2. Mint leaf tea

Consumption of 1 cup of mint leaf tea while pregnant is considered safe. However, pregnant women are advised to avoid consuming this tea until the second trimester of pregnancy.

3. Raspberry tea

Raspberry tea is efficacious to reduce nausea, relieve pain during labor, and reduce the risk of complications in pregnancy, such as preeclampsia and premature birth. However, raspberry tea is only safe for consumption in the second and third trimesters.

Drinking Green Tea while Pregnant, Is it Safe?

Drinking a glass of green tea in your leisure time does sound fun, doesn't it, pregnant women? However, before that, pregnant women must first know the medical facts regarding the safety of drinking green tea during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, pregnant women need to pay attention to the intake of food and drinks consumed, you know. The reason is, what pregnant women eat and drink can affect the growth and development of the Little One in the womb and also the health of the pregnant woman as a whole.

Therefore, during pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to eat highly nutritious foods, such as broccoli, spinach, avocado, strawberries, eggs, fish, lean meats, whole grains, nuts, and dairy and processed products. Then, what about green tea? Is green tea included in the list of drinks that are good for pregnant women?

Safety of Drinking Green Tea while Pregnant

If consumed in reasonable amounts and not excessive, green tea is considered safe for consumption during pregnancy. Green tea contains a number of nutrients that are good for health, ranging from protein, fiber, and polyphenols, including flavanols (cathechins), flavonoids, and phenolic acids.

Cathechins have antioxidant properties that can prevent damage to body cells due to exposure to free radicals, and are thought to prevent hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Not only that, drinking green tea is also believed to be good for healthy bones and teeth and good for maintaining the immune system.

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Pay attention to this before drinking green tea while pregnant

Although classified as safe, pregnant women must pay attention to the amount of green tea they drink, yes. The reason, although not as much as coffee, green tea still contains caffeine which if consumed in excess, risks causing a number of health problems, including premature birth and low birth weight babies.

Caffeine also has a diuretic effect which can trigger urine output. If it is not balanced with the consumption of water in sufficient quantities, this can increase the risk of pregnant women experiencing fluid deficiency to dehydration.

In addition, consuming excessive amounts of tea, including green tea, can also decrease the absorption of iron and folic acid. Folic acid is one of the important nutrients needed for fetal development and plays a role in preventing the occurrence of neural tube defects or spina bifida.

Therefore, if pregnant women still want to drink green tea while pregnant, limit their intake and you should not more than three cups a day. In addition, also limit the consumption of other foods and drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, chocolate, or soft drinks. To reduce caffeine levels in green tea, pregnant women can apply the following green tea brewing tips:

  • Brew the green tea bag for about 30 seconds.
  • Discard the first brewed water.
  • Brew back the green tea bag that was previously used.
  • Green tea is ready to be served and enjoyed.

Now, pregnant women don't have to worry anymore if they want to enjoy green tea while pregnant. Just don't overdo it and stick to a healthy diet, okay? 

Although herbal teas are relatively safe for consumption, there are several types that pregnant women should limit or avoid, because they are feared to interfere with pregnancy. These include chamomile tea, dandelion tea, and pennyroyal tea.

Those are tips for safe drinking tea during pregnancy. Remember, tea consumption during pregnancy is okay, but limit it wisely. If pregnant women want to know more about the safety of drinking tea during pregnancy, try consulting a gynecologist.

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