Get to Know the Benefits and Risks of Using a Baby Pacifier

Pacifiers are often used to soothe babies when they are fussy. However, the use of baby pacifiers is still a debate today. There are those who think that a baby pacifier can provide benefits, but there are also those who consider it a risk. In addition to holding and hugging him, one way that parents often do to calm a fussy baby is to provide a pacifier or pacifier.

A study states that babies generally need something to put in their mouths, even when they are not hungry. That's why baby pacifiers are the choice of many parents. However, parents need to know that there are benefits and risks that can occur behind using a baby pacifier.

Get to Know the Benefits and Risks of Using a Baby Pacifier - ALICE CLINIC

Benefits of Using Baby Pacifiers

There are several benefits that can be obtained from using a baby pacifier, including:

1. Reducing the risk of sudden infant death

Infant death suddenly or known as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a condition that can be experienced by infants under the age of 1 year and generally occurs without symptoms. Some studies suggest that the use of a pacifier can reduce the risk of this condition. However, this statement still requires further research.

2. Calming baby

When a baby is fussy, parents sometimes find it difficult to find ways to calm him down. Well, baby pacifiers are often an easy and practical option to calm a fussy baby and help him fall asleep faster. In addition, a pacifier or pacifier can also be a distraction for the baby, especially when he will undergo various health procedures, such as immunizations or blood tests.

When experiencing changes in air pressure, for example when traveling long distances by plane, parents can give the baby a pacifier or pacifier so that he does not fuss. Parents may worry that the baby will become addicted to using a pacifier. However, keep in mind that breaking the pacifier habit is generally easier than breaking the finger sucking habit.

Risks of Using Baby Pacifiers

Behind the benefits that can be obtained from using a baby pacifier, there are also risks that can occur, namely:

1. Trigger ear disorders

A study revealed that babies who use pacifiers or pacifiers have a greater risk of developing ear infections. Therefore, you should limit the use of baby pacifiers until they are 6 months old.

2. Causes dental problems

Dental problems caused by using a baby pacifier before the child is 2 years old, usually go away on their own once he is no longer using a pacifier. However, if the use of baby pacifiers continues until the child is more than 2 years old, the risk of dental problems increases and will be difficult to eliminate.

Read Too : Be Careful, Mother, this Habit can Damage Children's Teeth

Tips for Using Baby Pacifiers

If you decide to give a pacifier to your little one, there are several things to consider, including:

  • Avoid introducing your little one to a pacifier when he is under 1 year old. If your little one is getting breast milk, you should wait until he masters how to breastfeed properly before using a pacifier.
  • Use a pacifier according to the age and size of your little one's mouth to maintain comfort.
  • Do not use a baby pacifier with a rope or chain around the neck, because it will increase the risk of your little one
  • Be sure to choose a baby pacifier that is free of bisphenol-A (BPA), because this material can cause health problems.
  • Keep the baby's pacifier clean by washing it with warm water and soap regularly.
  • Also avoid the habit of giving sweeteners to pacifiers, such as syrup or honey, because they can damage your little one's teeth.
  • Avoid giving a pacifier to your little one if it is difficult to gain weight.

While using a pacifier can help you, don't use a pacifier as an initial attempt to soothe your baby. You should try other solutions first, namely by changing the position of the baby or rocking him. In addition, avoid giving the baby a pacifier when it is close to feeding time. To prevent dependence, stop giving your little one a pacifier before he is 1 year old.

Your decision to give a baby pacifier to your little one should be carefully considered regarding the benefits and risks. If necessary, you can consult a doctor to find out more about the use of baby pacifiers.

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