Various Benefits of Longan Fruit for Pregnant Women

The benefits of longan fruit for pregnant women are diverse. Various nutritional content in this sweet little fruit is known to maintain the health of pregnant women and support fetal growth and development. Want to know what are the benefits of longan for fetuses and pregnant women? Come on, see this article.

Various Benefits of Longan Fruit for Pregnant Women - ALICE CLINIC

There is a myth that longan or longan fruit is not good for consumption during pregnancy. That said, longan has a hot effect like pineapple, so it can cause allergic reactions in pregnant women and fetuses. This fruit is even considered to complicate the delivery process. In fact, this statement hasn't been proven medically. Not only that, longan is safe and good for consumption during pregnancy because it contains a variety of nutrients. However, as with the rules for consuming other types of food, longan fruit should be consumed with ideal portions, not excessive, and not too often.

Nutritional Content of Longan Fruit

The benefits of longan fruit for pregnant women can be obtained from the various vitamin and mineral content in it. In a serving of longan fruit (equivalent to 100 grams), there are about 60 calories and various nutrients, such as:

  • Proteins or amino acids
  • Carbohydrate
  • Vitamin C
  • B vitamins
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Phosphor
  • Copper
  • Potassium

In addition, longan fruit is also contain lots of antioxidants, water, and fiber.

Some of the Benefits of Longan for Pregnant Women

Due to its high nutritional content, longan fruit is known to be good for consumption by pregnant women. The following are some of the benefits of longan fruit for fetuses and pregnant women:

1. Prevent constipation during pregnancy

One of the complaints that are often experienced by pregnant women is constipation or difficult bowel movements. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, an enlarged uterus, to not drinking enough water, can be the cause of this complaint.

Constipation in pregnant women can be prevented and overcome by consuming fiber-rich intakes, such as fresh vegetables and fruits. One of the choices of fruit that pregnant women can consume to prevent constipation is longan fruit. The fiber content in longan fruit is considered effective for digestion and relieves symptoms of difficult bowel movements.

2. Strengthens the bones of pregnant women and fetuses

In addition to high fiber, longan fruit also contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus. These two types of minerals play an important role in maintaining the health and bone density of pregnant women. The intake of these minerals is also believed to reduce the risk of preeclampsia. In addition, the fetus also needs phosphorus and calcium for the formation of strong bones, teeth and muscles. Not only from minerals, vitamin C and copper substances in longan fruit also have the same function in the process of forming strong bones and muscles in the fetus.

3. Increase endurance and stamina of pregnant women

During pregnancy, the immune system of pregnant women will work harder to protect the mother's body and the fetus in the womb. As a result, pregnant women are more at risk of infection, even diseases have never been experienced before. Well, longan fruit is rich in vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant to increase the immune system of pregnant women. Thus, pregnant women don't get sick easily. In addition, longan also contains carbohydrates that can help maintain the stamina of pregnant women so they don't get tired easily.

4. Preventing babies from being born with disabilities

Although the amount is not too much, the folate content in longan fruit can still provide benefits to pregnant women. Pregnant women need adequate intake of folate from food or supplements to prevent the baby from having birth defects. Folate deficiency during pregnancy is known to cause the baby to have birth defects, such as anencephaly and spina bifida.

In addition to preventing these congenital defects, folate can also prevent cleft lip and congenital heart disease in babies. In pregnant women, folate intake is also useful for preventing anemia, miscarriage, and reducing the risk of preeclampsia.

5. Prevent anemia

Longan fruit is also contains iron which functions to form red blood cells. Therefore, longan fruit is useful to prevent pregnant women from developing anemia or lack of blood. If left untreated, anemia in pregnant women can be dangerous because it can increase the risk of the baby being born prematurely or born with low birth weight. Anemia can increase the risk of pregnant women experiencing bleeding after giving birth.

Read Too : List of Foods to Increase Hb (Anemia) for Pregnant Women

In addition, longan fruit is also good for supporting the heart health of pregnant women and fetuses and keeping blood pressure stable. This is thanks to the content of potassium and antioxidants in the longan fruit. Longan fruit also contains magnesium that can prevent and relieve muscle cramps that are quite often experienced by pregnant women. 

Although it has many benefits, pregnant women need to be careful before consuming longan fruit. This fruit has a high glycemic index value and sugar content, so it is not recommended for consumption by pregnant women who have gestational diabetes conditions. Therefore, pregnant women should not consume longan fruit in excess. To get the various benefits above, pregnant women only need to consume about 5-8 longans in a day.

Not only by consuming longan, pregnant women also need to supplement their nutritional intake by eating fruits, vegetables, and other types of nutritious foods. If pregnant women have certain health problems, such as diabetes, you should consult a doctor first before consuming longan fruit. This is important to ensure that longan consumption is safe for the health of pregnant women and fetuses. In addition, don't forget to wash the longan fruit thoroughly before consuming it, yes, pregnant women.

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