Actually, At What Age Can Babies Sit?

Many important developments in infants occur in the first year. One of the most frequently asked questions by parents is at what age a baby can sit up. Here's the complete information. The baby's ability to sit is influenced by his gross motor skills, namely movements that involve large muscles, such as the muscles of the neck, shoulders, abdomen, back, and waist. It also requires fine motor skills, such as touching and grasping. Because the speed of development of each baby is not the same, the age of the baby can also be different. But usually, babies can start to sit at the age of 4 months.

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Actually, At What Age Can Babies Sit? - ALICE CLINIC

Baby Learns to Sit

Your little one begins to learn to sit at the same time that he can start to lay on his stomach and lift his head, which is at the age of 3 or 4 months. They will start trying to sit on their backs first, then slowly learn to use their arms to support their bodies.

Then at the age of 5 months or 6 months, the back muscles are strong enough to try to sit up, although there is still a lot of help from the arms. At this age, the baby is not yet able to sit steadily. But as the development of back muscles and body balance, the baby's sitting position will be more stable. Usually the baby will start to be able to sit more stable at the age of about 8 months.

Read Too : 8 Months Baby: Starting to Stand

Baby Starts to Sit

As previously explained, babies can't sit up straight. Parents or caregivers must stay alert to look after him, because in the beginning, the baby will fall to the side a lot shortly after successfully sitting. In the early stages, the baby can only sit for 1-2 seconds, before finally falling. As the muscles that support the body become stronger, the baby will be able to sit for longer periods of time.

Entering the age of 6-7 months, babies will start trying to reach and grasp various objects around them. Lure him with a toy or other easy-to-reach object, so that the baby can learn to balance his body and train his coordination of body movements. When the baby is able to sit upright on his own and begins to grasp, he can be fed solid food by means of baby-led weaning. Once the baby is able to sit steadily, he will begin to try new positions with his feet and hands, to learn to crawl. By the age of 1 year, babies are usually able to crawl and move actively.

Tips to Help Baby Sit

To support the baby's ability as well as train his motor skills to sit, parents can help him in the following ways:

  • When the baby is in a supine position, slowly raise his body to a sitting position. Use interesting sounds to make this exercise more fun.
  • Get used to the baby playing in a prone position. Make use of colorful toys and sounds or make funny expressions to get his attention. This can help strengthen your baby's neck, shoulders, and back muscles, which will support his ability to sit up.
  • If his head is more stable and he lifts up more often, get the baby used to a sitting position. Support the baby with a pillow, place it on the lap or baby seat, several times a day for about 5-10 minutes.

The age of the baby can sit is not always the same in all babies. Parents don't need to worry too much if their baby can't sit up by 4-6 months of age, because some babies may take longer to learn to sit. However, if your baby is unable to sit up until he is 9 months old, you should immediately consult a pediatrician.

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