Symptoms of Anemia in Pregnant Women and How to Overcome It

Anemia in pregnant women is one of the risks that must be watched out for because it can affect the health of the mother and fetus. What are the symptoms and how to deal with it?

Anemia in pregnant women that is not treated properly can increase the risk of dangerous complications, such as premature birth. In addition, anemia can also increase the risk of low birth weight in babies. On the maternal side, anemia can increase the risk of postpartum depression and postpartum maternal death.

Symptoms of Anemia in Pregnant Women and How to Overcome It - ALICE CLINIC

Carefully Recognize the Symptoms of Anemia

Pregnant women need more blood cells to support fetal development. Anemia in pregnant women can cause this need to be insufficient, so that oxygen is delivered to body tissues and the fetus is limited. What needs to be observed is that sometimes the symptoms of anemia in pregnant women also look similar to the symptoms of pregnancy that are generally experienced. Moreover, mild anemia may not cause obvious symptoms. If the anemia gets worse, it is likely that pregnant women will feel some symptoms such as:

  • Tired quickly and feel weak
  • Skin looks pale
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Hard to breathe
  • Chest pain and headache.

In addition there are some rare symptoms, including:

  • Feeling itchy
  • Changes in the sense of taste
  • Hair loss
  • Ears ringing
  • Thrush on the edge of the mouth.

To confirm the diagnosis of anemia in pregnant women, it is necessary to do a blood test. Pregnant women are said to have anemia if their hemoglobin (Hb) levels are low. Blood tests are generally done at the first pregnancy check-up, then one more time during pregnancy.

How to Overcome Anemia when Pregnant

Pregnant women need 27 milligrams of iron per day. To overcome anemia in pregnant women can do the following ways:

1. Taking iron supplements

The iron supplement that is commonly given is ferrous sulfate, which is taken 2-3 times per day. However, some people experience side effects from taking this iron supplement, such as stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation, heartburn, nausea, or dark stools. Consult a doctor if you experience these side effects after taking iron supplements.

2. Increase the intake of iron-rich foods

In addition to supplements, iron deficiency can also be treated through a healthy and regular diet. Increasing the intake of foods containing iron is one way to treat and prevent anemia in pregnant women. Consume foods with balanced nutrition, then add at least three servings of iron-rich foods, including red dragon fruit. Examples of foods that contain lots of iron include:

- Fish, red meat, chicken.

- Dark green vegetables.

- Nuts and seeds.

- Cereals that have been fortified with iron.

- Eggs and tofu.

3. Meet the needs of vitamin C

In order for the body to absorb iron optimally, it also needs vitamin C, which can be found in oranges, strawberries, kiwi, and tomatoes. Combine foods that are high in iron and high in vitamin C, for optimal intake.

Read Too : This is the Danger of Anemia in Pregnant Women

Do not underestimate anemia in pregnant women, because the danger of anemia in pregnant women can interfere with fetal development and the overall health condition of pregnant women. Consult a doctor to undergo a blood iron test if you experience symptoms of anemia in pregnant women as mentioned above.

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