Risk Factors for Premature Birth and How to Prevent It

There are various factors that can increase the risk of pregnant women giving birth to premature babies, ranging from age at pregnancy, having given birth prematurely, an unhealthy lifestyle, to certain health problems. Most of those risk factors actually really be prevented.

Risk Factors for Premature Birth and How to Prevent It - ALICE CLINIC

Premature birth can cause babies to experience various health problems, and sometimes even cause infant death. To anticipate this, every mother-to-be needs to know what the risk factors for preterm birth are and how to prevent them.

Risk Factors for Premature Childbirth

A pregnant woman is more at risk for giving birth to a premature baby if:

  • Be under 17 years old or over 35 years old.
  • Pregnant with twins.
  • Have a history of premature birth.
  • Insufficient weight gain during pregnancy.
  • The gap between the current and previous pregnancies was less than half a year.

In addition, several medical conditions can increase the risk of pregnant women giving birth to premature babies, including:

  • Suffering from certain diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, preeclampsia, heart disease, kidney disease, urinary tract infections, and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Have had a miscarriage or had an abortion.
  • Had too little or too much weight before getting pregnant.
  • Have vaginal bleeding in the 1st or 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
  • Having too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).
  • Have abnormalities in the placenta, cervix (mouth of the womb), or uterus.

The unhealthy lifestyle of pregnant women can also increase the risk of giving birth prematurely. Some of them are:

  • Poor diet, so pregnant women are malnourished.
  • Smoking or using illegal drugs.
  • Experiencing severe stress.
  • Undertaking work that requires a lot of energy, for example working in shifts

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Pregnant women who experience injuries, particularly within the abdomen, also are at risk of giving birth prematurely. Injuries can result from falling, or experiencing domestic violence.

Preventing Premature Birth

To reduce the risk of premature birth, there are several preventive steps that can be taken, namely:

1. Implementing a healthy lifestyle before and through pregnancy

The trick is to:

  • Eat a balanced nutritious diet. This includes adequate intake of protein, carbohydrates, omega-3s, as well as vitamins and minerals, such as iron and folic acid.
  • Do not smoke, avoid cigarette smoke, and don't consume alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs.
  • Maintain weight so as not to be too skinny or too fat.
  • Routine pregnancy check-ups to the doctor according to schedule.
  • Avoid stress.

2. Progesterone therapy

This therapy is intended for women who have a high risk of giving birth prematurely, especially with a history of preterm birth and cervical abnormalities. Doctors can provide progesterone therapy in the form of oral medication, patches, injections, or tablets that are inserted through the vagina.

3. Cervical binding procedure

In this procedure, the cervix will be closed by means of stitches, to prevent premature birth. Cervical binding is usually suggested for pregnant women who have had miscarriages, premature births, or who have abnormalities within the cervix.

By knowing the risk factors for preterm delivery and the preventive steps that can be taken, every mother-to-be is expected to be able to pursue a healthy pregnancy, so that the baby can be born normal and at term. Women who have a high risk of giving birth prematurely are advised to consult a gynecologist, both when planning a pregnancy and during pregnancy, to get the appropriate treatment.

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